Bird Watching!

Well, maybe you shouldn't just grab a bunch and chow them down?
Looks like 10g is the cut off, and maybe don't eat every day. 10g is *a lot* of berries. I'm pretty good after 4 or 6 berries :^D It's just a quick snack when I notice them.

It appears they lower blood sugar. That could be interesting for people with (pre)diabetes. Might be worth it for those people to do more research on long term safety. Juniper's cheaper than insulin.

OT, but it'll be spruce season soon. Fresh spruce tips are pretty good. Lots of vitamin C, and a tart piney flavor.
Nice foraging info, John. How about Kousa dogwood berries, have you tried them?
I have, once. They're pretty good. I think I probably have some dried out berries in my fridge somewhere. I picked them a couple years ago, and put some in the fridge with the intention of trying to plant from seed, and promptly forgot about them :^D I still want to try it. I'll have to see what I can do. Maybe I'll find the ones in the fridge, and /maybe/ they'd still be viable. If not, I can get some more in the fall, or just buy a tree somewhere.
Either this...


Or this...

I have on several occasion pulled the nests down in Rook colonies, then put a plastic great horned owl up to discourage them from coming back.
With great success.
Can't figure what crows would work for.
Spring is here, and the birds are back.

Recently, I saw a bald eagle overhead, and a great blue heron. Ducks (mallard and what I think are buffleheads) redwing blackbirds, stellar jays, little brown birds, some hummingbirds, robins, mourning doves, and heard an owl recently.