Dormant hero!!
Haha, can you say akward!
I had two saws stuck fifty feet up a tree once...a hemlock with three stems all twisted around each other. I learned to be a little more careful with those after that.
My dear old departed pappy oiled his gas twice in the same week .He was over 80 at the time and I new the old boy was loosing it .I'll be damned if the exact next week I anti freezed my weed wacker .:roll: I didn't realize it until I poured mix gas in my old truck . Chit happens .Sounds like plenty of experience here.HAHAHA I love the ole oil in the gas tank trick.Done it more than I want to say
Several things you will eventually do .Rock a chain ,put a chain on backwards and hang up a saw . If you get real good at it you might even hang two saws in the same log .![]()
Geez, I hope it was not on the tree in your avatar Ed. That would be a bugger to get unstuck.
Gawd, I hate that!covered with grass,
But what's the point of just talking about how to get a stuck saw out? Might as well show them...make out like I meant to do it....
When I used to work for the Forest Service, I worked on the trail crew that maintained trails in the wilderness areas for Naches Ranger District. We got our crosscut misery-whip saw stuck in the very bottom of a cut on a 5' diameter log one fine morning, and spent the next 2 days chopping it out with axes. Not fun
When I used to work for the Forest Service, I worked on the trail crew that maintained trails in the wilderness areas for Naches Ranger District. We got our crosscut misery-whip saw stuck in the very bottom of a cut on a 5' diameter log one fine morning, and spent the next 2 days chopping it out with axes. Not fun
Fourtanetly no.
Just a damn Ashthat I felled out into the field. It spanned a small low area, then up over a slight rise and back down into the field. Just enough to really screw up bucking it. No matter what way I cut (up or down), I got hosed!
I rocked the chain on a fieldstone that was covered with grass, Went to do an up-cut...........caught it just enough to blunt the tips.
I used the reaming technique a good bit yesterday, worked nice and quick like.
I used the reaming technique a good bit yesterday, worked nice and quick like.
...Just had to slip that in.