California Hillbilly

Great diagram though. Text book style of bucking the big log.
Undercutting can be a bit much with a big saw for most and not as advisable. Ever have an 066 push you backwards?
Here's a video, the faller is just finishing the cut (starting at 0:35) and cutting according to the kerf pinching on a log that would be hard to guess exactly where the tension is.
Andy, another problem is committing the whole bar to a cut that may have multiple points of pressure or twist. This method often releives these different points or at least gives you a chance to see and react to a bind before your stuck
If you have a large log lying flat on the ground, without any apparent tension, you can cut it from the top down, set a couple of wedges in the top of the cut and just before you are all the way through, hammer the wedges as far in as they'll go. this will make the log rise up from the ground and save you from ruining the chain.