Best Chaingrinder/Sharpener?


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
So, I am finally looking to get a pro chaingrinder and was looking to find a new Silvey Pro Sharp, but found out that Silveys are no longer made. I was wondering what the next best sharpener out there is. Maybe an Oregon?
What do you guys think?
Definitely NOT Oregon. I am EXTREMELY partial to the Simington. For eleven hundred dollars, you will be kicking yourself for not having bought it WAY, Way, way sooner... I can absolutely guarantee ya that Chris. Heck if you don't like it... just ship it to us... our current shop manager is looking to pick another one up anyways.

Madsen's sir.... Madsen's. Good folk.
Madison’s is a good group of folks, they won’t steer you wrong.
:thumbup: Get the "salmon," aluminum oxcide disks Chris... awsome grinding man... you can burn a TON of rocked chain off quick without heating the metal up too much at all. You can't beat the Simington.
What at a decent grinder?

I hand-filed one yesterday that could have been ground.

Rarely, do I have much damage, and mostly field-file 2-4 strokes, lickety-split.
Minimal employee cutting.
Yeah dude if you have the luxury of keeping the boys off yer own saws, then, yeah... by all means. That would never fly at Eastside, and I see the gnarliest chisel knackers a guy could ever have a nightmare off. A pro timber cutter would have to go to a psychiatrist to get through one week in my shop.
They are awful. Last week I worked for my main landscaper on a dead spruce. My saw run out of gas two logs before the end. My van and the gas were in the street. One guy of the crew said "don't move, just use our chainsaw, the other guy gave it to me this morning saying that it cut still a little" (!). I feared the result but let's try it... Nope, not even a little, in fact it barely scratched the bark. Amazing.