BCMA test


Nov 30, 2006
Just heard my app was accepted to sit for the exam in October. Any suggestions from people that have taken the test? I know willy and guy have gone through....

I've got a lot of the reading from the list, and was going to go over those but I was thinking what type of format to prepare for and what I may want to focus in on.

Study, study, study. Basic appraisal, soil density stuff, irrigation volume, biology, z133. Pretty much every thing
Know your weak areas and work on them. Soils and fert were mine. Also practice test-taking wherever you can, ArbNews being the obvious and free starting point.

Don't listen to Paul B, that cranky canuckian cuss.:P Lots of ways to get free or cheap ceu's, and that should be your least concern at this stage. You just took a big step; congrats! :D
G, I wasn't chastising the system merely remarking on the eventuality. I still disagree with the exam as it isnt international in at least one domain, pesticides. In most cities here they are banned outright, nevermind the fact that the products themselves are not internationally available. Other than that, if the cert will help you learn more and earn more, go for it! :)
Cool, i'll check that site out. Just paid the money for ASCA membership. Think I will go to Tahoe for their conference in Nov Dec, learn a thing or three
Willie, the online ceu site is great, .5 to 1 or maybe even 2 ceu's for browsing over an article and answering a few questions, just like the Arborist News deal.
I've done a few on ISA website. I have Guy's article open from this AM I need to read, then I will check the other out. I book marked it
Oh, I suppose there is a quiz along with that. That would go against the superior ethics of the BCMA:D
Well they do make it quite in depth so that may fit, i'd have to actually read the fine print:D
Oh, I suppose there is a quiz along with that. That would go against the superior ethics of the BCMA:D

NAH No quiz with the dendro articles; just with the podcasts. hope you like the article; they axed one line out of prudishness: which bugged me but the content in this one was important so i let it go.

Good luck with ASCA--I was set for tahoe til scheduling shoulder surgery. can't ski well in a sling so i will take a pass. their academy is a good experience for newby consultants; worth the $ if u r serious about it. BCMA is way better a cert than RCA imo; stronger arb basis and more universally recognized.