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"The right wing nutjobs are the ones trying to turn this into some Jewish star shit, we simply think you were likely a c student at best..."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the data would prove otherwise:

Political orientations, intelligence and education/ INTELLIGENCE Vol. 40, No.2/ Pages 217-225/ Heiner Rindermann, Carmen Flores-Mendoza, Michael A. Woodley

Individuals preferring a center-right political orientation have the highest mean IQ (105.29). The second highest mean IQ is found amongst those of a centrist political orientation (102.53). This is followed by those preferring a center-left orientation, who possess an IQ mean of 100.67
But the lowest IQ mean is found amongst those having no political preference at all (IQ 93.85).
Also worth discussing are the implications of these findings for alternatives to the Burgher–civil theory. Kanazawa's (2009, 2010) savannah–IQ interaction hypothesis would predict that amongst the sample IQ should be positively correlated with leftist orientations, owing to the seeming evolutionary novelty of political orientations that emphasize altruism towards non-genetic kin. This hypothesis is however falsified in the context of this sample by the finding that intelligence is positively predictive of centrism and center-right orientations, associated with the burgher worldview, which emphasizes meritocracy and self-reliance rather than ‘evolutionarily novel’ forms of egalitarian redistribution to non-kin. Additionally, in the US "conservatives", compared to "liberals", donate more money for charity, also controlled for wealth (Brooks, 2006).
Cognitive ability and party identity in the United States; Noah Carl; Intelligence 47 (2014) 3–9.

Carl (2014) analyzed data from the U.S. General Social Survey (GSS), and found that individuals who identify as Republican have slightly higher verbal intelligence than those who identify as Democrat.
Where is the division actually at at tho? Everyone who is vaccinated doesn't care anymore, we've moved on. As new variants come up we mask up as suggested by the cdc, and simply go about life, knowing half the country will likely act dumb. The right wing nutjobs are the ones trying to turn this into some Jewish star shit, we simply think you were likely a c student at best, and are an asshole for not using basic common courtesy of wearing a mask when in populated spaces. My sister, who is a traveling er nurse, puts up with these right wingnuts daily, and has seen coworkers literally punched while trying to save people. Why they didn't just stay home with their horse meds I'll never know, oh that's right they don't actually have the balls to stand for their convictions.
And it's generizations and thinking as this that creates more division. Nicely spouted 'O indoctrinated one.
You guys voted for Trump, twice, and said so in public. Some wizards you are :lol: The right goes all in on the dumbest side of every argument, everytime. Global warming with almost universal scientific consensus: fake news. Equal rights for people, in your dreams libtard. How about what's the least effective and most simplistic way we can possibly approach illegal immigration ..... an overpriced wall in the desert? Cdc or some shit that your buddy found on 4chan, you know it's a giant conspiracy. Trickle down economics, yeah let's make America great again by doing the same mistakes over and over again for 40 years! Whatever the dumbest side is, all in and it's your life's purpose.


I'm surprised you all care so much considering none of you could ever fall under any mandate. Almost everyone here is self employed or works on a small enough scale that none of this is ever needed. You have no dog in the fight other than you see it as wrong, but why do you care so much? Stig has the right to run his business as he sees fit, and could have fired an unvaccinated employee the same as you would fire a guy smoking crack in your truck. Both are conditions for employment. Considering that over 85 percent of people in the us over 18 have had at least 1 shot, the unvaccinated are a small minority. If you forgot how this works, the majority can choose to ignore the minority's rights, especially when they aren't actually rights.

In a modern society, sometimes people have to make minor sacrifices to enable the society to be better. Stop signs, other laws, waiting in line responsibly, not bullying people, basic shit that i expect my kids to know. Our society has rules where all kids need to be vaccinated so they don't start dying from diseases that were eradicated decades ago by vaccines and modern science. They were hard earned advancements, with a physical human cost. So forgive me when i say the family down the street can be in whatever cult they're in, that's cool and their right, but their kids can't go to school and get my kids sick. That's where the line is, when your rights cross mine. If you can't play by the rules of society, you don't get to be in society.

Obviously you guys won't buy all the data and experts the world over saying this is the same safety, so for most of the country there will be no mandate (thank you for putting trash in the supreme court). The exception is working for the government, which you made your choices there. So fine, you don't believe anything the doctors say, cool whatever. However if a store has signs that say to wear a mask or something like that, don't just ignore it. Not everyone is completely healthy, but they still have to work. By doing something you think is dumb you are simply one of those things you do as a non asshole member of society, rather than making the little shy girl or guy making minimum wage fear for their health or confront a guy who clearly is likely militant about their refusal to follow even the most basic health rules. So once again, who's the assholes here?

I bet there's zero chance any of you read this far, you've already got your triggered memes ready to go. You probably didn't notice that the thread was posted in the announcements area, arguably the farthest thing from the political thread as possible. And yet it has exploded into the same shit. Please, i get how having this back and forth of how dumb the other guy is can be a blast, i do this everyday at work and here. But can we please please please please keep it in the political area. You also haven't noticed, but the crazy liberals you all like to own so hard really are burned out from this, and are starting to leave the forum not because of your views, but because you can't click anywhere without a whole bunch of you spamming this shit. We just don't care anymore. Get vaccinated or don't, park your truck in the middle of ottawa?, we don't care. At all. Like not even the smallest frig left to give.

Ps. You all seem to be saying the word divided a bunch this week, I'm gonna assume that fox or whatever you all plug into is pushing that hard for black history month. You literally voted in the world's biggest asshole, stole a supreme court pick, walk around saying Biden somehow stole the presidency, all listen to shock jock news programs and judge them exclusively on how "raw" they give it, and no longer even try to separate fact from fiction. And yet I'm the problem and am dividing the country. It was blm that invaded the capital during the peaceful transition of power right? The only thing that makes us the greatest country in earth? Ah that's right, antifa did it posing as normal people, you gotta watch those rascals. Several here have gone to political rallies for Trump after that, ever wonder how many on the left did similar and went to a political rally with no elections even on the horizon? No one, because that's friggin' crazy. No one does that shit, that's not normal. If you care enough about whatever that clown is about that you would take a day of your life to go see that shit, you are the one being radicalized, not me. If you are listening to political talk radio you are consuming straight up propaganda, not me. Division is all the right has been for decades, sorry that i don't care to hear you bitch about it.
Glad I'm good for something. :lol: Now can we plz just keep this shit in the ring? Aka political area?
Jim, I hope Die Deutsche are feeling stupid now.
How the F... couldn't they see this coming?
Yeah I'm sure whatever you guys can find on the dark web next to the kiddie porn is more reliable.
I've been saying that about the shit you guys keep dredging up too. Sources matter more than lives.
Just wow.
And the government is so truthful and reliable.
Really reaching crap ya posting Kyle.

If you don't like the government, vote in another one.

A concept known as democracy.
Wasn't what Bush went to war for?

You could try voting in a corrupt businesman, like Italy did with Berlusconi.
That'll work for sure...................................
Yup, Trump said the democrats pulled off the greatest heist in history, and so America as a democracy is dead. Next on completely made up shit, is your doctor really a Jewish lizard hybrid with laser beams trying to enslave you? Yes, yes he is, and he wants to eat your kids too. Now a moment from our sponsor, the guy who bit so many pillows he started making his own....
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Wife would get in it so deep with neighborhood 'Trumper' they wouldn't talk or meet for months.
i always helped him with their computer, android tv, phones etc.
Stopped only when covid came along and he screaming no one wears masks in his house, covid all fake, and held parties instead.
Drinking and card playing, watching football was never my dream anyway.
Hauntingly he didn't make it a year, died of covid in hospital.
She just started admitting it, and was mad at me for trying to talk her thru computer instead of going down there when 2 more there were sick there right after he died and she was sure none covid.. A few stories like that..
Hard to say if that ol'Boston Fireman would have died anyway if got shots etc. on the roulette wheel.
But he did poke the bear with the stick/ maybe Darwin did come calling, and kinda did choose to do same for other folks in their stead to some degree.
i think there is another pretty open, free set of moves on the chessboard.
That seem more likely viable than in to trust to put man in space and retrieve, let alone moonwalk; especially with just sliderule calcs;
and vaccines a lot older study that have brought us even more miles, saving millions of deaths, debilitations and other infirmaries.
In the end, we are all in the same leaky boat anyways especially immediately locally as this thing spotlights.
To a certain extent, car insurance works by everyone wearing seatbelts/childseats as an accepted community baseline of a fender bender not going to ballistic human; to limit risk exposure to both driver's insurance whether carrying the proposed acrobat or not.
i think that the community baseline is getting the shots etc. as about all betting the same stack of chips; in this leaky boat at this day and time..