August Hunicke Videos

How about a rap band type video featuring FRB (fat raptor boys) all blinged out living large double XL and of course accompanied by the raptor girls, because girls be digging guys with rolls, cuz they be smarter.

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Ha ha whoops I think that would be FWB...maybe not smarter after all LOL.

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For working out I like the mailbox once every 3-4 days.

haha. I like running. When having a few drinks. Run from here to over there. There to over here. No place of any great distance...maybe to get the mail, but that's farther than I'm talking.

Wraptor and Mini, and I'm still having trouble getting enough calories.

I was told never to tell a woman that I was having trouble eating enough. Two Steamboat Burgers this week ( cheeseburger, bacon, ham, fried egg, veggies, bun). Last night, two pounds of lasagna, with spinach salad after pan-fried deer back strap.

I don't get many alcohol calories. That is a part for some people. Come to think of it:beerchug::beerchug::beerchug:
And role model. Great candidate for Augusts interviews.

I'll second that, if, on the other hand logistically that's impossible (or undesirable) maybe we should have a Q&A dedicated thread on The House, in the elders section. Maybe 10 questions to a selected candidate, Willard in this case. And he selects the ones he want to answer, ie nothing too personal that breeches privacy, and does so in 24 or so hours. No derails and no other chit chat then after its locked down so we can move on to the next. Maybe a month or twos delay between them.
Just a thought.
I never thought the Wraptor was too bad for my condition as there is so much other exercise to do when you get up there and you are able to do more trees anyway. Now the crane is a whole different kettle of fish. I sit on my ass all day long. I try to get out in the evenings on my MTB .

Getting old ain't for the faint of heart....
Topped 30 years ago, the bigger ones were 100+, I'm thinking 130', lots of water for roots. One was around 50" with no really mushy wood inside, just a drum of a shell in the 4-6" range.

a couple in the grove didn't show rot to speak of.

Not to start derailing a hilarious run on this thread... I just think that those trees are interesting. To me it's interesting that your rotten ones were topped. The hollow ones by my house, I'm thinking have all been really wounded by something. Another tree-slam or whatever. I'm serious, though: you pretty much never really see any rot in them up here. I'd be really amazed to find that Roger (PC Tree) had found otherwise.
I never thought the Wraptor was too bad for my condition as there is so much other exercise to do when you get up there and you are able to do more trees anyway. Now the crane is a whole different kettle of fish. I sit on my ass all day long. I try to get out in the evenings on my MTB .

Getting old ain't for the faint of heart....

Good post. If the crane is letting you get out on the bike after work, there's some of the quality of life upgrade you were looking for.
Respect:big-not-worthy: for that workout :thumbup:

Sometimes real cold weather, and the whole lifestyle associated with being out in it, can seem very cool (arf) and fun. Othertimes, when maybe you aren't feeling so robust, its like 'get me outta here and under a very large pile of warm blankets…' imo.

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So enjoyable to watch.
You've really taken the treefelling video to a new level.