August: Was it Buckin? Man, he is the cooolest guy despite his extremely stupid positivity religion. All the same... I'd kill to be half an ounce more like him than myself.
That might be the coolest vid you've made yet, for a number of reasons. Never even thought of pushing a chipper into a hole. That was extremely cool. Couldn't even figure out what the air-pressure deal was for, but it just looks awesome.
Unfortunately, I have to play the contrarian in regard to your general advice toward the kid. Now let me say at the forefront that the kid probably did the right thing. For all I know, I would have done the very same thing had I been in his shoes. I didn't really understand his explaination of the situation very well, but it's completely irrelevant, since I never, ever, ever render a judgement about a tree-type situation if I wansn't standing there in person. I've found too many times the hard way, that stuff can be almost impossible to judge, unless you're standing there looking at it yourself, and, even then... it can be hard. So let me re-state that it could well be that the boss was being an ass, and that the kid made the right call; possibly the same one that I would have made had I been there. That bein said...
O.k. this is just degenerating into a regular rant about the general tendancy and ethos of all, and I mean ALL of the new guys who are coming into our shop. (And we have a pretty big shop with a HUGE turnover rate.) August... gentlemen... women and children (Buckin's)... anyone... will someone please help me... will someone please tell me or try to explain to me how in the very short period of a decade or so, all the new young men coming into this trade have simply thrown in the towel, and allowed themselves to degenerate into the hughest pile of wusses conceivable? I'm not kiddnya! These guys are unbelievable... "Hey, there young sir, would you mind doing such and such for me?" Young sir: "Ahhh... ya know I really don't 'feel comfortable' quite yet doin that type of stuff." Foreman: "Ohh, sure, yeah, I understand, actually... I probably shouldn't even have asked ya. Well what about that one over there?" Young sir: "Yeah... I don't know... I just wouldn't really 'feel comefortable' quite yet..." Foreman: "O.k. sure, well, uhhh... you see that rake over there?" Guy after guy, it doesn't seem to change.
I'm not kidding you: it's like an epidemic. And that's the catch-phrase by the way... nobody "feels comfortable." MAN!! I'm ASKING you guys: When in the world did any kind of hard work ever feel anthing like 'comfortable' anyways!!!

How could cultural mores in the Northwest have changes so very fast in such a short period of time? All of the young guys that I started with were always chomping at the bit to try to get the old hands to let them do something worth doing, but today... it's like the very reverse is the case.
Now please gentlemen... chime in, I beg you: Is this just a bunch of old-man talk, or am I actually onto something here?