August Hunicke Videos

LOL @ "SLIGHTLY" longer duration shots :D
That's got to be an understatement because I clip them pretty dang short.
Usually trying to convey the idea rather than show it all.
I plan on throwing a few slower paced vid's in also…
Usually trying to convey the idea rather than show it all.

I totally hear you on that. But when you do that on most every idea, it can be frustrating cuz the viewer wants to see more. I do lots of stop action where needed, but even so. Again, just my 2 cents.

I dug the consecutive cut-finishes on the spar, cool to see the pieces get progressively smaller.
Around 5 minutes in, that is a funky, redirect negative blocking scenario with a top-rigging point. Took me a while to figure it out (I think).
sweet vid august!!!
loved it!!!
Not doubting you or trying to be a armchair quarterback.
But why didn't you tie it to the tree next to it and cut it from the bottom up?
I know your a professional and know what your doing.I have respect for you from watching your videos.
Sounds funny typing that but its true.
Are those trees to big or tall for that technic?
I hate climbing stuff like that,root ball and dirt moving around.yikes!!!
Thanks. If you're talking about job #2, The other trees are sketchy too. I did tie it to the tree it was crashing into, but it needed back guying to not push so hard on the other tree and to get enough weight off above the guy to eventually stand on its own while the bottom log was chunked out.
Awesome shot with the simul-tops, that was cool. Were they all your climbers, or were you working alongside another crew or 2?

Interesting direction to run toward the end of the video. . .