I'll contradict the great Mr. Coates here a bit August, and say... forget the break, keep working your tail off because the end result is beautiful and profitable at the same time. To me, there is nothing pedestrian or boring about that vid. I love the way the go pro vibrates when the saw-chain chews. I love the way you just shake that lead a bit, because you're pretty sure of exactly how much wood you've cut up. And to me: the common, "pedestrian" stuff about what lunch one is eating, etc. is just cool and inclusive, rather than proud and private.
I took two pictures of FIR LIMBS THAT I WAS PRUNING today, and actually took the trouble to download them and post them. I have no idea why. Nothing will ever come of it. No one will ever (why would they?) take the time to say, "Wow, Jed those are cool limbs that you pruned." Or else... worse... some charitable soul actually WILL feal burdoned to the extent that the poor guy musters a, "Cool Fir, Jed."
God knows why we do this. It's my belief that the average tree guy suffers a peculiar type of loneliness, feeling himself unable to impart any of the beauty that he glutonously gorges on all day; or, more likely, Walker Percy has hit the nail on the head, with his book, "Lost in the Cosmos."