I've noticed good help is hard to find around Nashville, but then again it might all be employed at one of several tree services.
Word... you've gotta go with the support you get.
Wait, you can't find a guy worth a shit. No way. Wait, still not sure I got that right. Guys...not worth a shit???
How big's that show up there?
I'd like to come wreck some trees with you. Show 'em what some salt and pepper (little by little) can do (we're no gray-beards).
I'll see? I won't be holding my breath!
Please, bore us, I insist!
If you don't have good help, does that reflect in your paycheck or is it strictly hourly? Just curious. If too nosy then yeah nah.
Do you guys find that it is very much wunerful to always be able to torch everything from one side? I feel like it's fer guys who don't sharpen well.
You??? Too nosy?................ Short answer... no.... we field folk are hourly, but.... you know... what's good fer the goose is good fer the gander... we just... our young men just really can't get it together... but there are probably WAAAAAY too many Millenial Hater threads out there, and I think we all realize that it's just not about that. I could talk for hours. If they feel sick, they don't come in. If they smash their finger... they don't come it. There is ALWAYS a car problem. There is ALWAYS a girlfriend problem. If they bruise their shin... they don't come in. If there is traffic... they are always late. Scratch that, they are always late anyways, but if there is traffic they are insanely late. They are hypochondriacs. They are valetudinarians. They are the most dreadful little pack of invalids you've ever even tried to imagine. They're idea of working hard is the most disgusting joke that an iron-stomached man could ever even dare to stick around to listen too. They make common decent fork like Sean and I look like the insanest bunch of lunatic cowboys that could ever be imagined.