August Hunicke Videos

Btw, no line or pole damage, how did you KO the power?

Crossed phased some massive hummers that were too big to break. They came out and Cut the tree off the wires and reset the transformer or whatever.

We've had our service entrance to the mill hit by lightning . Made a heck of a mess. I've got pics I'll have to find.
Then a year later to the day some how water got in it from a hard rain. It was old 4 large aluminum bars per phase ran down into the building. None of which were insulated so they shorted phase to phase and blew the transformer fuses.
We didn't know at the time. Just thought it was a fluke. Called my buddy at the electric company that was on call. Fuse one and two went back in fine. #3 the grenade went off. Fire ball ran down the service entrance, and melted all the aluminum bars inside it.
I'll never forget the power lines running in over the road. Looked like 2 little girls playing with a jump rope. Scary stuff. Luckily got it fixed a few days later.
I caught a line before. The tree bounce off and fell. No damage,I couldn't believe how strong they were!!
Really got lucky that day.i should of bought a lottery ticket
Ya, mine sounded like an arc welder times a million. Bright sunny day but I was engulfed in so much brighter, I've since lost respect for the sun. :P

We used to blow the fuses when the utilities wouldn't kill the power. Clearing dense ROW with a climbing crew, we'd call CLEECO telling them we needed a span killed. They usually would do it the next morning and we'd have our climbers in the tree waiting for the kill. More than once the CLEECO dude wouldn't show up as scheduled and we'd have 5 or 6 climbers up trees waiting for them.

Solution? Cut a smaller limb onto the line, pop! pop! pop! The fuse would be tripped and we could get on with it.

Probablly frowned on today...
Ya butch but they auto reset that day five minutes later, then blew again, that signaled the power hive and the place swarmed with hard hats.

That was the pop pop pop... they reset three times, then the fuse blew.

The hardhats had to break out their long stick and replace it.

Meanwhile, we'd be down the line...
It didn't happen often, they usually cooperated cuz we were trimming their power lines.

Those were rough times, climbing lines out in the woods. The Jaraffe eventually made large climbing crews extinct.
It's funny how we have all these minor (what seem little)details we are adamant about having done a certain way and the crew will think we are being particular or high maintenance when in reality it's our way of preventing these little things from happening again. I try to communicate that part when I'm barking orders around,it absolutely is a huge team effort.
Just funny when you tell these guys something and they look at you sideways,it's really only like that with guys that are new to my style nowadays,anyone who knows me knows that i want certain things done a certain way for a good reason.

Dang!!! Brother!! One of the best posts I've ever read around here... not even stinkn, freakn, kiddn ya's!!!! Speak da troooff!
In my late 20s, I knocked the power out to a large area, Schools, shopping malls, police station, subdivisions under construction, a large area of the Issaquah plateau...aug

That's stinkin hilarious, bro. Happens all the time up there, really... if it aint the storms, it's some dumb tree guy like me or you. The residents are used to it, actually.
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Wow, that was ambitious in every way. Cool footage of the teflon thingy in use.
Some amazing elements to that intro...coordinating the drone and Easy Rider cams was excellent. I was mesmerized enjoying that creativity...good directing.