Anyone use the Fiori ring?

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Nov 8, 2016
Malvern, Arkansas

I've been getting in to rigging rings lately and splicing my own slings to make exactly what I want. I can see a lot of options with this ring. Is a Beast ring good enough? Triple ring sling? Bend right ring? I'm looking into options for a terminal rigging point for possibly heavy loads. I was watching David Drivers videos and he said when testing the rings they were breaking the rope at the rings using two large rings but when they went to 3 rings the rope broke elsewhere. I just spliced a large ring and a medium ring on 3/4 Tenex Tec. I believe that would hold anything I need it to. But I still like the look of the bigger rings for their bend radius. Any thoughts?
Looks like interesting possibilities in that vid.

Why do you want ring(s) for your terminal rigging point? I tried them for several months and they have pros and cons but overall I found a block at the TRP :/: to be far smoother, faster, and easier on the rope. Curious about your take.
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I've used blocks most of my career. They're more expensive. Although I'll never have to buy another one. They're heavier than rings. I like to add friction at the tip as much as possible. They add a little. They're easier to remotely set and retrieve than a block.

I started thinking about using a winch on a truck. Single line you have 8,000 lbs. Add a block and you have 16,000 lbs for the same job. A block obviously doubles your power. I've been getting a lot of dead and very rotten trees lately that folks have let go way too long. Some evening hanging a hank
of rope in them would cause failure much less rigging. Just looking for options to not deliberately double the force at the tip for the compromised trees.

I took down a big Gum a few weeks ago. On a very steep hill behind and above a shop. Was hanging right over the top of the shop. No drop zone. About 30 ft behind the Gum was a nice oak even higher. I should have climbed it and set a block. We were pushed for time. I backed the bucket to the shop. Could reach the entire tree. Was 25 ft from the rigging tree. I threw a throwbag into the second tree and pulled up the rigging line and natural crotched it. We was rigging some pieces that was pushing 1,000 lbs. Plenty of room to drop them. Ruined a nice 5/8 stable braid. There's a 50 ft section that can almost stand up on its own. I really didn't think it would be that bad. That got me to thinking about remotely setting a ring to ring. So I spliced one up. I had considered remotely setting a block in the rigging tree but the forces could have easily been 4 times the weight of our pieces. I have since learned how to remotely set a cinching block and be able to retrieve it. I would have done that If I had known how. But even that takes 4 times the rope to set remotely. And I was needing the block about 75 ft up.

I'm looking for a virtually indestructible remotely set and retrievable rigging point. I was thinking maybe a Fiori ring and a Beast ring on a sling. The bend radius should be good enough. And pretty quick and easy to set.
Ruined a nice 5/8 stable braid. There's a 50 ft section that can almost stand up on its own.

That made me lol!

Yeah I've been there with natural crotches. I once took an oak top so surprisingly heavy on 3/4" bull line that the resulting cloud of smoke completely obscured the crotch, it was bizarre, like a mini smoke bomb.

Anyway those are all good reasons for rings. Sounds like in trees without extenuating circumstances you would still prefer a block.
I've got 2 retrievable ring slings. This smaller one from TreeStuff: Rope Logic Rig and Ring Small -
and this bigger one from Gap Arborist (is actually 6.5 ft. long; they will custom splice anything for you): Retrievable Ring Sling 3/4" -

Both are invaluable pieces of my rigging gear, and get used as much as possible (brush monkeys like extra friction and the remote set/retrieve). I've droppd some ridiculously large tops and chunks into both (~800 lbs into the small one; well over 1200 lbs into the big one), and they make the bm's much happier as those pieces come down.