Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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Hey! Great little video clip. Thanks for posting that.
I think I already mentioned I use the bat rig plate and love it. I still need to try my HH with that pulley for tending..... :thumbup::D

I love mine too. I'm ready for someone to make a small plate with a swivel.

How about this instead of the bottom screw gate. I would rather have a screw gate locked down on a delta. Some people put a half of a box wrench on the screw-gate delta, locked in place for locking down a choked canopy-TIP with a delta.

I don't like another thing around my neck (used to have whistle and ear plugs, but both are not on my helmet), especially something that could become a choking hazard, or snag on descent. It would be a painful hang-up. I clip my 5mm Tech cord tether into my elastic going up to my hand with my Rope Walker system.
Well this driller was back up the trees yesterday. . A friend lined up some take downs in Wasilla for me. It made for a long day but the money was OK. . I don't have any pics. I'm very glad I got to be good buddies with my HH last year. Its so simple to use right. I am sure out of shape but still goterdone very well. . . First job had 2 birch that had to be clum. One was a leaner that was mostly dead so I set an srt line in the other that was healthy then went up the bad one and took it down from the top. Went back up the good one. It was leaning some over a patio and house and took it down in small pieces. Then did some clearing and some pruning in other trees . The other job was a couple White Spruce that were pretty straight forward but the breeze had come up. Had my friend pull the top on that one. .
Yup ; I finally figured out that if I'm gonna do this I need to get paid for it. It was a 15 hour day with over 300 miles of driving but that's OK . It was awesome to be up trees again. I do need to get a set of Big Bucks for my Bashlins or at least a set of foam pads for under the felt Bashlin pads. And a pair of Viberg 75 s the boots I'm wearing don't have enough support after last year. Either that or I need to get my feet in shape after a winter in Arctic pacs and Bunny boots. .
It was snowing when I came thru Tenida Pass on the way home last night. Not sticking to the highway tho. When I dropped down in elevation it quit. The summit of the highway is over 3,000'

It took up and down of 1 tree to get the HH slicked up after 6 months of being in the climbing gear tote.
SAMPLER hope this links live.
Anyway. I was on Tree Stuff's site and saw this sampler set of 6, 5' long hitch cords. . . Good price on them too. What a great way to try a different cord on the HH.

Anyway , I thot so.
So guys, just played with my new HH for the first time today. Found it....................ok but had real problems with the hitch binding up real bad. To the point I need to use 2 hands to descend. I'm using 5 wraps, and an 11mm rope, samson velocity. Any ideas, I've got tachyon also that I haven't tried yet so I wonder if the thicker diameter rope may help.

Also just found it slightly weird that when you descend you gave to pull the hitch cord onto the device to free it up. Made sense when I thought about it but I'm just so surprised how different it is to the RW.
Cool,cheers guys. I'm just doing a removal with my poison ivy 11.7mm. I'll let you know how that goes too.
Extra rap makes sense now that you say it:|:
I weigh 160 and usually 6 wraps will do it on PI or BM...
Sometimes I will add the cross over with 5 wraps and it tends well or better depending on how broke in the rope and hitch cord are.
I also noticed with a loose hitch it would bind on decent too sometimes. I just make sure to tie it real tight and weight it/work it in before I get off the ground
6 wraps with 8mm HRC on 11mm Dragonfly or PMI E-Z Bend Sport Static works well for me at 180 lbs.

I also noticed with a loose hitch it would bind on decent too sometimes. I just make sure to tie it real tight and weight it/work it in before I get off the ground'll know if it's too tight as it won't tend easily.
I've experimented with the Cooper's hitch and had very good results. :thumbup:
Right now I'm using the XT hitch and that "seems" to perform a bit better, I'll need to put more climb time on it to be sure. ;)
The truth is, I've gotten a hold of a ZK1 Rope Wrench and have been using that as my primary climbing system for past month or so.
I'm VERY impressed with how well it "performs"..... :thumbup::D

I also have some Armor prus hitch cord(8 and 10mm)I just got to see if it performs any better on the HH and RW. :)