Woods walker
Got a guess for the A-P working with Poison Ivy/Blue Moon, Dave?
There is nothing fancy going on with that pulley. I was just trying out how a swing-cheek pulley would work compared to a fixed side plate pulley.
A pulley under the HH makes it tail as smoothly as a Hitchclimber setup. The down side is it is difficult to put on and take off and is one more thing to drop.
This simple modified Fixed pulley actually works pretty well. It doesn't need the tether as it stays on in use, but I don't have much feeling left in my hands and tend to drop small fiddly things.
View attachment 54777
View attachment 54778
I really liked this idea so I bought a Pinto pulley and tried it out today on a big Oak reduction. OH MY GOD, what a revelation! Suddenly the HH tends as smoothly as an HC all the time.
Is this the best kept Arb secret of all time?!
Honestly guys, I reckon this is the best mod to SRT gear that you can make.
Well done and thank you Dmc, or whoever thought of it.