Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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I don't understand why I can watch YouTube, but a stupid gif takes a week to load? Not just here, anywhere I run into a gif.
The more gif to load, the longer it takes.
The more gifs to load also takes longer.

Imma going to take a guess at how it all works vs videos. Just a stab.
Some gifs load faster because they are a smaller file. Less frames per second, lower resolution, less information
Some take longer because of the opposite.
A gif probably loads into your ram and once the file is completely into your memory, plays seamlessly.
A YouTube Video is a stream of info. It loads into your buffer part of the memory a little at a time. But you can play it as it loads.
It may be part of the coding as well. Gif may have more commands in the file to play proper, and not be as efficient, but a streaming video is encoded different to be more efficient.
This is just a guess :/:
"I don't understand why I can watch YouTube, but a stupid gif takes a week to load? Not just here, anywhere I run into a gif"

Same for me. Even more, some don't appear one bit and others just disappear when they are fully loaded.
It's very frustrating, not important at all, but still.
They are working a bit better here now, the whale and the bear cub and the motorcycle wrecks were awesome.
Steve, on an Imac, what would you open to check out what you posted above?
Probably adjust your setting to the minimum posts per page will help, if you have a selected a lot of posts per page in your Settings.
I am at "default" in the settings...never have changed it.

gifs started loading normally again last day or so...have not changed anything here.
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