Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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There was the well know punch out in an affluent Southern California beach town some years ago. Some young guys and a minor altercation in a bar where someone spilled some beer on another guy, i think unintentionally. He got followed to a party and cold cocked on the street, fell back and hit his head on the pavement and died. The guy that hit him got twenty years. A rich family couldn't buy his excuse. Some previous history of bullying didn't help.
I bet if that dufus in the gif is alive that he changes his practice of tossing sh-t at random passerbys.

I got the impression(right or wrong who knows) that the girl knew exactly what was about to happen. Hence the apprehension and desire to stop it. Situations like that scare me a bit as I can relate to that bull mentality. Just seeing red, reason is out the window, and it's time to inflict some pain. Not a good thing, must be how men start wars and shit. Stupid.
That was another crazy run.

Ha Jay, I can relate to your comment.

That pole vault girl was awesome but the slo mo gif shows the pole itself is pretty amazing, unleashing all that stored energy
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