Animated GIF Thread 2019

I found this interesting.
Copy pasta to explain the Gif.

In 1930 the Indiana Bell building was rotated 90°. Over a month, the 22-million-pound structure was moved 15 inch/hr... all while 600 employees still worked there. There was no interruption to gas, heat, electricity, water, sewage, or the telephone service they provided. No one inside felt it move

💡Extra interesting tidbits:

💠People could still enter/exit the building thanks to an entryway that moved moved it, which connected to a special curved sidewalk (seen in the GIF)
💠The move was because Bell bought the building but needed bigger headquarters. They planned to demolish it but that would've interrupted phone service for a big chunk of Indiana, which they didn’t want to do.
💠They lifted the whole building with steam-powered hydraulic lifts, then set it on enormous pine logs. It was moved via hand-operated jacks, which pushed it over the logs 3/8" at a time. Once the building rolled far enough forward, the last log would be moved to the front.
💠The rotation plan was conceived & executed by famous architect Kurt Vonnegut Sr (father of the famous author)
💠The feat remains one of the largest building-moves in history.
💠The building was demolished in 1963.

There's a lot vids and stories out there of people dying when pulling stumps with vehicles. Mostly with rope. Not surprising. So dynamic, like a sling-shot when stretched out. Chain and wire-rope not as much. In any case always keep the run short.
Heard from an EMT about a bumper-ball ripping off one vehicle or the other when trying to jerk a truck from a ditch. Killed a passenger.