A Quick Question - Is a 6,600# Crane Scale Worth Owning?


Jul 21, 2019
The consignment shop has a 6.6k crane scale for $80. Looks new in the pics. Amazon sells that model for $200. Is it worth getting?
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Well, it wouldn't be on a crane if I got it. It would just be something to weigh heavy things. Honestly, I'm not sure what, but it seems like a good price, so I thought I'd ask. Maybe it would be worth getting and holding onto if the need arises.

It's this unit(the smaller one)

You can weigh stuff with a normal scale of any kind too, and if it's too heavy you can use something as a beam to decrease the force so it's within the range, just like a lever. You can also do it on a truck scale. If you were gonna be mixing concrete or something by weight that might be useful, or shipping heavy stuff all the time, other than that i can't imagine a use for it.
It can be useful if you want to have an accurate value instead of guessing when rigging or pulling stuff in tree work. There are circonstances when we come close to the limite with the gear (close or even a bit more...). The scale may help to stay reasonable and not overload the gear or the support. Or just knowing what is the reserve in pulling power when you have to handle a sketchy situation. Like with the Maasdam for example. It can help to improuve your guessing too for futur jobs.