Yeah, Vortex runs fine through all the rope grabs that I have but it is a soft rope and can pick easily when new. Not really a problem though. Vortex has a lot of grip potential so you can normally use less wraps or run a looser hitch than you would on a firmer and thinner rope.
I am still using some 9mm ArbPro that I got a few years ago. It works well, lasts a long time but is getting tough to find. Both 8mm and 10mm ArmorPrus work well but it is pricey stuff. Surprisingly, I like the 8mm better. Of course the old style Beeline also works. I have not found the HH2 to be as fussy with cords as much as how those cords are tied and adjusted. With so many new cords out now you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't play around with some.
As you work through different setups don't settle for mediocre performance. The HH2 can work as well as any tool I have tried when dialed in but nothing out there can match its compact, rugged, straight through design.