We Are An Elite Tree Forum!

Hmm ok couple questions what do ya do with it when your up there? What about the desent does it go both ways? In the event of malfunction of the devise such as clutch going out what stops you from going boom boom?

I guess you will have to come to the tree house to ask now, there are built in safetys;)

they said pc tree needed thicker skin, i got temporarily banned for the above statement:roll:
Wow, they need more flashing obnoxious advertisements on that site. But I guess it goes hand in hand with the flashy obnoxious posters. :roll:

Glad I got out of there when I did, I don't miss the attitudes at all.
I always liked Treeco and JPS's stuff.

They're both pros, and it's obvious in there posting.

Maniacal moderators are what turned me off over there.

It was a good thread, particularly C Cliff's dual purpose climbsaw suggestion.

I've worked with both of them personally. I'm not going to start slinging mud, but suffice it to say that I do not agree with you.
But surely they're both capable climbers?

Compared to others I'm sure I could claim little more than capability to get it on the ground safely and consistently.

Capable, I guess, but I wasn't overly impressed with either. JPS is a very large man and large men don't move around in a tree very quickly. Nor do they get very far out from the main stem. Sort of like a big bear in a tree.

I'm sure JPS may have a less than flattering opinion of me as well, but that encounter was many years ago when I was in my first year sober. I was quite immature and less than completely stable. I may have even thrown a temper tantrum over an uncooperative throwline one day. :|:
I've got an ex-marine buddy that's 6'7" at 300 pounds that's an expert climber and cert arb.

Physics demands that he stick close to fair size wood and use polesaws alot!

But his knowledge of the industry and professionalism are unquestionable in a general sense.

I was kinda arguing with JPS over there around xmas 08 when I invented my cabling alignment tubes as a result of sparring with him over the best method of guanteeing true cable and hardware alignment.

Whatever their talents and skills may include, JPS was generally a polite and decent cyberguy in the days when I frequented AS. The same cannot be said of the other person Jomoco referenced.
What the heck do you guys expect when 100 different climbers get online and converse with each other over best methods and techniques?

Kinda like going to an annual mountain man trapper's jamboree and expecting no drinkin and fightin!

I'm even okay with a little immature adult behavior-Joking and cutting -up is part of the joy in my life. However, hurting people and bashing them in anything other than light hearted jest isn't okay. I don't need to tear other people down to respect myself and have little respect for those who don't know how to be respectful toward others.
Don't post anything you wouldn't say if you were face to face with the recipient.
That is one way to keep cyperspace clean.
I'm even okay with a little immature adult behavior-Joking and cutting -up is part of the joy in my life. However, hurting people and bashing them in anything other than light hearted jest isn't okay. I don't need to tear other people down to respect myself and have little respect for those who don't know how to be respectful toward others.

Oh, yes...that fooling around in a fun atmosphere IS acting like mature adults. You are spot on, Justin.

Stig is too, except unfortunately I have crossed paths with a few fools who will say things face to face that are inexcusable. So that doesn't help said fools understand how to behave.
Whatever their talents and skills may include, JPS was generally a polite and decent cyberguy in the days when I frequented AS. The same cannot be said of the other person Jomoco referenced.

The "other one" still has a fist to the face coming, should I ever happen upon him. :X