We Are An Elite Tree Forum!

Butch treats us all with the same respect that he expects from us. It works well, although it took me some time to get used to it when I first got here. I was accustomed to AS where everybody slung mud at each other and the only restraint was if you slung mud at one of the 'priveledged few' that were one of the moderator's favorites. But that doesn't fly here because nobody reacts to it. We are all here because we like it here and we like each other, not because we have something to prove.
To be able to ask a question about tree work, and get a kindly and thoughtfully considered reply by Butch, Jerry, ........the list of long experienced professionals goes on, it's something worthy of a lot of respect, and to be most grateful to be a part of.
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Jon, you should complete your profile.

But I'm a very humble guy MB, listing all my arboriculturally related patents and other harebrained accomplishments has no appeal to me.

I don't claim to be anything other than an ornery old orthopedic climber, too stubborn to put my gaffs away!

Besides that, the ISA along with a majority of chipper manufacturers don't think very highly of me or my patents.

In many ways I'm an outlaw arborist whose 15 minutes of fame expired a long time ago MB.

Be a Pal and accept me as a simple minded old climber that can't quite get the sawdust out of my veins.

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Hey, check my profile - there's no CC numbers or nothing.

It just looks so cold to click a member's profile and there isn't nada...

Know what I mean? Is that such an unreasonable request?
Hell ya you don't have to put everything in there. Like I left out how I'm actually the king of Canada.:D
Hey there Royal Highness! Would you mind sitting down and putting on a hat or something? Your head is blotting out the sun!
Very well MB, it is your realm after all, I'll try and spruce my profile up so as not to offend my fellow housers unnecessarily.

Jon, it's not about anything you are or are not! Hell, look at me, I a hack in poor training! I'll do about anything to make a buck, and am humble enough to tell you all about it! As well as what I did wrong, or ask for help about how to do it.
These folks have helped me more than I can ever repay them! Brian (Skwerl) and I are like oil and water, to read our posts you would think we would kill each other!! But more than one occasion I have had to call him an he helped me through bad points in my life.
Stumper got mad at me and sent me a set of gaffs!
I forget now who, but someone on here sent me a copy of the tree climbers compainion to help me on my way.
ANY question I have asked has been answered. I might have heard some smart ass remarks (well deserved mind you) but ALWAYS got the the help I have needed.
These are real people who WANT to know your name, WANT you to know their names and enjoy the company.
You will not find a site like this ANYWHERE!!
Hey there Royal Highness! Would you mind sitting down and putting on a hat or something? Your head is blotting out the sun!

First I get it for not wearing a profiled hardhat, and now yu hammer me cuz my heads too big for it!

Is this my first group hug Skwerl?

My what strong arms you have!

Thanks for the sharp pin Skwerl, but yu better stand back, the decompression that occurs when I jab it in my ear could be explosive!

Actually, that was directed towards His Royal Highness the King of Canada.

I don't think I know you well enough to razz you yet. ;)
Brian, don't make direct eye contact with His Highness, Or that will be 70 lashings with the frayed bull rope. What are you thinking!:D
Don't be bashful guys, you'll find I'm pretty thick skinned about everything, with the possible exception of fascist rule!

Jomoco, Since you don't like fascism could you please squish that jumped up king of Canada? A thermonuclear device in D.C might also do much for the cause of freedom.

Dear Homeland Security/NSA monitors, The above is a JOKE.