Tree Houser selfie thread

Dang! Did it come easy or was it a ton of work? If you don't mind me asking. Im 8 years in and it seems like theres always something to work on.
There's always something to work on, yessir.

Not easy, not a ton of work. Somewhere in the middle. It doesn't just happen, that's for sure.

My best advice is simply put, but not always simple to remember, or to do: Pay attention, and let her know you are.

Also, there are times that keeping your opinion to yourself is a good idea.
Ok B. Good advice. I was thinking of throwing her in the river lately. I do have strong reason to believe she has been thinking the same. Too much time around each other. We aren't used to that. Im always on the run and active. lately the cold weather has had me recliner bound and that's no good.
I feel your concern Chris. This neck thing as well as the weather has had me in the same position. Home life is tough when things change drastically? Good advice B! I will take that and put it the memory bank. Thanks!
I think I've been married a tad longer than you, Burnham, so let me know what you still need to know about it besides saying in the short, "Yes dear".
Too much time around each other. We aren't used to that. Im always on the run and active. lately the cold weather has had me recliner bound and that's no good.

OMG, same thing here, Chris. That is a riot. She said today, "I want my house back" cuz I'm usually not home.

Oh, and 1 "random" tip, never say "is that a reason or an excuse…":P
It's kind of like bucking a bronco. Things eventually can smooth out if you stay with the action and don't get thrown over the fence. Instead of taking some minutes though, it takes like 25 years. Still, when it does smooth out, you can sing, "Cowboy Romance".
Cory, you do ask "is that a reason or an excuse" if, and only if, you want the fight to escalate quickly. My grandfather asked his wife that in an argument in front of me once when I was a child and she really flipped out. Its funny now, but at the time I just stood there holding my toys thinking "Shit shit shit Grandad. That just messed our whole day up."
Ha, I know, I was goofing on ya cuz you posted that the other day.
Always liked that great and tragic film, "Blue Angel", with Marlene Dietrich, where she basically ruined the life of the respectable professor.....or he basically did it to himself.
I think I've been married a tad longer than you, Burnham, so let me know what you still need to know about it besides saying in the short, "Yes dear".

That is a sure route to full bore escalation, with my woman. Straight up capitulation does not work with read is, she sees it as avoidance, laced with heavy disrespect for her point of view.

Just my old-timer to another :).
Probably a cultural thing. I think that Japanese women tend to possibly be somewhat less analytical in figuring reasons to be pissed off. Very predictable social order, that sort of thing. I'll hopefully somehow remember your wisdom if there is a next life. :)
Good luck in your next life, Jay :).

I expect that there have to be huge cultural differences between two women of a similar age, one born and raised in Japan and the other in California.
I have never been married to someone from my own culture, but I will say that an international marriage, at least for me and I know for some others, has definitely had it's periods of confusion. It's one thing to be at loggerheads with different personality perspectives along with the man vs woman thing, but when you are up against unfamiliarity from thousands of years of something different, it is a powerful force to be reckoned with. "Yes dear" is a good avenue of choice. :lol: