How'd it go today?

You weren't wearing your power suit, right?

Nope, no suit. But I did shave and get a hair cut!

Not sure what I am going to do yet Jay, I am pretty peeved about it though!

Mike, how are they the determining factor as to what is a credible canidate? Last I knew that was up to the voters?
Unless you're talking to the voters, who else do you think they're getting their information from?

Mike, how are they the determining factor as to what is a credible canidate? Last I knew that was up to the voters?

I'm not saying that you are not a credible candidate, but in the end, the media has great power even at the local level. They got President Yomama elected.
Today went well on a clearing job, just fourth day on a steep slope and I WAS looking forward to tomorrow. Nice and flat up and down ladder fruit tree pruning. Lady canceled so I get to do another small pruning job in town ... ON A STEEP SLOPE:roll::?
Did pick up the power pruner today ... :D
Today went well on a clearing job, just fourth day on a steep slope and I WAS looking forward to tomorrow. Nice and flat up and down ladder fruit tree pruning. Lady canceled so I get to do another small pruning job in town ... ON A STEEP SLOPE:roll::?
Did pick up the power pruner today ... :D

If you don't like hills, move to the Midwest!;)
I'd love to trade places with you!
Highest point here is about 900 feet above sealevel.
Cool, I just checked my CEU's for the heck of it, after the trade show last week where I got 2 after attending two brief seminars, I now have 150 (after about 5 1/2 years)! :D and I have probably 8-10 more coming in the next month and a half as I have a pruning course and a day long symposium on urban forestry coming up. Oh I think I have another Arborist News around here too that I havent filled out the quiz for yet, joy! Lol.
I know, two of my buddies are due at the end of Feb and they dont have anywhere near the thirty needed to renew, guess they are writing the test again.
Finished early today... Took down a small dead red oak covered in poison ivy, and I was about to take down a older topped and decaying hickory when the home owner peeked out the house window. She was sad about loosing her hickory, and wanted me to leave it. :|: I gave her the "It has high potential to fail, and you're assuming the risk" talk. It's whatev. ...tree is ugly as piss, but she likes it. :roll:

Decided to go prune some dead tips from a sycamore on another job I have, but the wind talked me out of it. It's friday anyway. :D
going for a little trip with the wife and Bub. One of my clients has a kids clothing store and gave us a gift card as a present. Its in a neat historic fishing village near here called Steveston, I wanna get some fish and chips for lunch while we are out there. Then I have to hit the dump before 3 to unload my branches and I finish up with a haircut at 3:30.
PURE excitment around here I tell ya whut.
Got a cortisone shot in my knee, since pain management seems to be the only option now for regular use. I think I like it.:)

Went and watched the spelling bee at the boy's school. My 4th grader, Sean, came in 6th out of all of the 4th thru 8th graders. He's a wicked smaht little shit.:D
Slept, then I slep some more! Still worn out, but no more blood and I didn't wake up gagging!

Just got a visit from the Po' Po', that was kind of odd. They dropped off my "packet" so I am just as informed as the Mayor and council for next weeks meeting!
Congrats to Sean, great job....

Rob pruned the orchard and I did a couple trees in town for a lady that is out of state at present. Only took a couple hours so I spent some time with the kids this morning and should get some more quality time with them tonight :)