How'd it go today?

Brush mower rocks... we want one..... and I aint talkin the DR.. we have two of those.. We want forestry mower like I posted earlier in this thread a couple days back..
did a nice day rate job up in the woods. was gonna try that ur-a-peein face cut but kept forgetting till i started the bottom. anywho we made decent money for 7 hours labor
Sounds like putting in hand line on a fire crew. We used to go where machinery couldn't.

I had what should have been an easy job today but my groundie seemed to be stuck in slow motion and for some reason I do not feel comfortable telling workers to speed up, instead I get quiet and grumpy. Healthy huh? My firefighter buddy Dan worked with us last week and rode my groundie all day.

"Hey numnuts, grab that brush and get moving."
"I don't care if you don't want to haul wood but you can't hide behind that rake all day."

I asked my groundie if he was offended and he said no, he liked it because it made him work faster. I can't talk to people that way. I just work really fast next to people and hope they get the hint. I could try cajoling my groundie but I am sure it would sound fake. When I was the low man on the totem pole I wanted to be respected. That's what I try to do now that I am the boss but it seems like good spirited abuse works better for most people.
Well this is more of a bushhog type. But it might speed it up some. I'm not sure what size material you are dealing with.

The Dr can cut up to 1 1/2 2 inch hardwood... We have poison oak up here up to 4 inch diameter..
so it has it's limitations... also only good up to a 20 percent slope...
Rocks are a no no
We have lots of rocks..
But when I get in the right spot... they each make money and eat it up...
I love my brush hogs.. . I also have the string head for the walk behind for weed eat season..
Sometimes I think my groundies are going in slo-mo but then I see the sweat soaked shirts and keep quiet and thank God I don't have to do all the work. Didn't mean to creep you out with the Supreme Being mention, well I guess I did mean to.
Put fence up today, bleh. Might get a tree job out of it though, so that's good. Tomorrow we finish up early, then hopefully get a leaf blowing job done for an old lady I look after. Gotta fix that leaky hydro cylinder and put the block heater in the chipper too.
Darin, Steve doesn't think that God is crazy. We know that you are.:P I do the quiet and grumpy bit also when I think the help is slow.....which is why working alone is generally a happy thing for me.

Today started with rain-I almost called it but then the rain stopped. I also have started a cold (joy) but still managed a productive day-pruned a NASTY Boxelder and a big S. Maple. Unfortunately I ran out of daylight before I finished the clean-up.
Sounds like putting in hand line on a fire crew. We used to go where machinery couldn't.

Very much like a hand line fire crew.. it is in a fact what we are doing to some degree.. just with out the fire coming, just feeding the fire or chipper the brush... Eliminating ladder fuels and competition.. Sorta landscaping with a chain saw.. ;)
there was a rust hole that came through this summer just below the trim. Looks like her insurance is going to be getting me some free body work!

I was thinking that when i saw your pic of the damage. Still a PITA.
Oh, that's rich! The guy who had knee surgery last week and can't walk up the stairs is saying that my scratched ear looks painful. :lol::lol:

Yer funny, Mike! :P

Dude, ears really hurt though. Even a glancing blow seems to make mine throb.
Darin, stick a maxi-pad on the dashboard of the truck. When the guys ask about it, tell 'em it's for when the job gets too tough for them.
I go like a MF'er when the help slows to a crawl, which makes them think I'm a psycho bitch. Which I am. Then when the job is done & before we leave I assess out loud all that we accomplished, non sarcastic. We also do a "victory lap" >>> drive back by the job site after it's done to admire our work. It helps 'em see their own work & take pride.
Today is only partly over .About a half hour ago the wrecking yard picked up the old Ranger ,gone .:cry: Oh well ,things don't last forever .
Miserable rainy day here, kind of sucked the wind out of my sails. But so far I've gotten everything set-up, cleaned up, and lubed up for the plow/sander. Now I just need some snow instead of all this rain!!
got up a bit late, made and had breakfast with the wife and Bub, Bub took a brief nap then we went in the rain to the remembrance day service at a local cenotaph, observed some of the pre 11 AM chatter, stood for the 2 minutes of silence (even Bub was quiet), started to rain a bit heavy and the procession started making its way in a small parade to the Legion building. We walked back o the car and went home. Had a bite of lunch then played with the boy onthe floor for a bit. He is now napping again, his momma is chillin on the couch watching a talk show (Ellen, Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart or some other inane crap) and I am doing a weekly backup on the computer.
later it gets really exciting, after dinner, movies!
I FINALLY got Nero to burn dvd's again. I have a dozen or so movies on the hard drive, I burned Ironman, Ratatouille (for my nieces and nephews), I am Legend and Pirates of the caribbean 3 so far. Next is Shooter, Hitman, Bucket List, Jumper, Juno, Mad Money, Fool's Gold, Beowulf, Golden Compass and a couple others. :) Seems to take about an hour to burn a DVD from start to finish, set it up, turn it on and go do something else for a bit. :D

I need to download Pirates 2 and then look for other movies I havent seen. Anyone else using Bit torrent yet? :shifty: Isohunt and Mininova are two sources for torrents once you have the software installed.
I didn't have any tree work to do so I lined up the custom boards at a lumber yard to fix a screw-up of my contract climber, took off the starter from my tractor/loader as it won't work and took it to the electric place and picked a set of knives up from the sharpening place.
Sorry you're sick, Justin. Hope you're better quick.

Boring day here. 3 hours of moss picking this morning, then I spent a couple hours trying to track down a hydraulic leak. I found two lines slightly loose and tightened them, hopefully that will stop the leak. I lined up a small job for tomorrow setting an AC unit on the roof of a motel, nothing else for the rest of the week so far. Then I returned the 32' ladder I had borrowed for the palm tree job I did yesterday.

I hope something picks up soon, gonna be a scary winter. :whine:
Man!! Be careful out there folks!! You all are makeing me look good (and thats bad!!:lol:)

Rained all day yesterday. Split two and a half cord of Oak today. Broke off in the middle of that to go get fit for a suit that my wife says I need? (Like a hole in the head!!!) But it's her fifteenth aniversary at work (big deal to her) and it's "coctail attire", so I spent much more time than I care to admit getting fited for a suit, of which size I will kill you if you guess!! Then I wontt even get into the price :O:O:O:O
It's a freaking suit, not a small car dammit!!!:O:O:O

Watched part of Juno last night Paul, less than the first half, not my cup of tea FYI.