I found out bone head mistakes can be not asking for help when you should.
I was felling a leaning blue oak. I was trying to steer it off a black oak that was in the lay of the lean. To my dismay, it hung right into the middle of some forked limbs. So I proceeded to walk it down.. Welllllllll The dang tree balanced out in the fork. I could reach the trunk so I cut about 2' off it and it teetered top down on the other side of the fork.. Cut a section of top off and it teetered back trunk down.. This went on, back and forth so that all the brush was gone and I just had about 12 or so feet of log in the fork... I figured I should be able to get it out of the fork by pulling the end down and working it out.. You are probably asking yourself by now why did I not just put a rope on it and head off all this Tom Foolerie...
Ground was rather muddy and it was a steep grade back up to the truck. I had a guy named Scott that was also working with me that day that was up the hill I should of and could have gotten to help me.. But Nooooooooooo. I could do this... No need to slip and slide back up the hill to the truck :roll:
That 12 or so foot stick was nice solid and water filled oak... About 10-12 inch diameter depending on where you checked. I really have no idea what it weighed at the time.. couple hundred or so anyway I thought at the time. I knew I could not have picked it up off the ground if it were to ever get there.
Ohh it eventually got there though.....
I teetered and tottered.. Pushed and pulled.... Then my feet, covered with mud, slipped out from under me... I landed sort of cross legged in the duff and mud.. About that time is when the teeter totter decided to slide out of the crotch of the black oak.. It did a pile drive square down on my ankle. OHHHHHH MAN...! I felt something pop and heard it. I thought for sure I had just lost my foot and ankle! I hollered and Scott came running.. We got the log pulled off my ankle and foot... nuttin broke. Bad ass sprain but not broke... If the ground had not been so muddy, I would have not been so lucky. There was literally an in print in the mud from the butt and my ankle.. Put me out of work for a few....
Yes, I tried to work that day after the incident so Scott and I could get in a full day..

Lasted about 1 more hour on that foot with a saw.... :roll: