California Hillbilly
Yeah like when the guys says "I'll just put you up in this here loader so as you can reach it and I'll go real slow with the tractor. Then you wont have to climb the tree cause thats dangerous!"..

I cut down the wrong tree 3 weeks ago, otherwise I am perfect.
Listening to other people can sometimes get you into a lot of trouble, I found as well. Louder voices doesn't mean jack.
You have to weight their points quickly vs what your gut says........but ALWAYS trust your gut.
Blunders...pfft.... I'm perfect!
I fought a guy once in a customers front yard. Chip trucks and police cars dont look good together in the driveway of a multi million dollar estate.
Other than that, well, I once filled up the forklift fuel (gasoline) tank at work, with diesel.. talk about smokey the knocking engine! whoops!
For injuries, by far my biggest mistake was wacking my thumb off!
I really miss that sucker!
wacking off your thumb is easy :what: