X Rigging Rings, thoughts

  • Thread starter Thread starter RegC
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Thanks for the thread Reg. I have a number of Xrings but have used them in limited situations to now.

Water under the bridge and everyone is entitled to their opinion but, tell you what, it is very childish when sitting here and reading some of the comments..

We are all adults here.
I'm glad you chimed in David. Thanks. IMHO I think everybody thought you were trying to pull the wool over their eyes in the beginning. When people feel threatened or fooled, there is bound to be backlash. I've sailed for near 30 yrs now and been in the trees for most of that. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have WTF moment when I saw your introduction of Antals rings.
Again, I made my own system with parts from Treestuff and use it regularly, but do find I use my Dmm Pinto more often as it is midline attachable. I am interested in the THT when it is available although with the size trees I work regularly, I don't see that getting used often. That's another point to be made as well, we don't all climb the same trees being from different areas of the world. Although we may use the same tequniches, we certainly do not use the same equip.
Id like to hear what the bad taste is truly about.

The bad taste is about David lying when confronted with the fact that his X-rings were just rebadged Antal rings.

If I remember correctly ( The original thread has been sanitized, so it'll have to be by memory) he went so far as to proclaim Antal an inferior product with a weld inside from the manufacturing process.

When Nick Bonner confronted him with unrefutable proof that they were one and the same, he started whining in the most unbecoming way about how we were all just a bunch of jalous vultures.

That left a bad taste that will never go away.

Was that plain enough, Reg?
I don't know what this lawsuit stuff is about. (but I'm sure you will tell me)

There is Brendonv! That's almost the full group now maybe, I'll check the other pages later.

It should be: tophopper, Brendonv, Lumberjack, Adam P, RangerDanger and Stig.

They all have a deep hatred of me. I must have scared them deeply.

With some people it stays with them.

Honestly, David.

It takes more than a lying whiner to scare me.

What stays with us is how you lied and tried to creep around the truth in the best " I never had a sexual relation to that woman" style.
I don't expect this thread to get any more positive. There are a lot of haters in treehouse and sharing of useful information is likely going to be covered up by a shit-storm. I may have actually enjoyed that a few years ago, but I don't care much for that anymore and don't have the time.

I just wanted others to realize, it's not the product they hate, it is me. I'll explain my side of the avoiding the antal question back in 2012 or so, when I was first asked. That is what I should put on video today if I get a chance.


David, more liker's than haters here...but not haters just people who dont like, understand or need your product, and who like blocks for rigging...dont take it to personally, I dont like Petzl ZZ (zig zag) its an under built for tree work, weak links and should be taken off the market, but thats just my opinion, its good to discuss this stuff good or bad, it helps define the products...

You have a great product and it has its place in the Arbo world, keep your posts professionally and dont take other posts as personal attacks, way better for business and sales tree bro ;)
The bad taste is about David lying when confronted with the fact that his X-rings were just rebadged Antal rings.

If I remember correctly ( The original thread has been sanitized, so it'll have to be by memory) he went so far as to proclaim Antal an inferior product with a weld inside from the manufacturing process.

When Nick Bonner confronted him with unrefutable proof that they were one and the same, he started whining in the most unbecoming way about how we were all just a bunch of jalous vultures.

That left a bad taste that will never go away.

Was that plain enough, Reg?

I remember that. It seems as though there has been an effort to sweep it under the rug. That or most people are just are unaware. They were poor choices on David's part that translated into poor business ethics. I find it hard to trust people like that. The product itself is useful and I am glad it was brought over to the this market, but it is just unfortunate how it was introduced.
I'm not going to beat a dead horse here but I feel the same way as other "haters" here. However, in full disclosure, I do have one homemade version of an x-ring and we use the sh:t out of it. The thing that surprised me was how many people feel the same as me. I have been fortunate enough to be able to talk to many arborists around the country since ISA was in my state this year. Between that and talking with various speakers and vendors at our state chapter I have heard the same sentiment come up time and time again. Honesty, integrity, and humility will take you a long way in life.
Not sure where your getting there is a hate club?

Why did x treme arb supply sour my view originally? Remember when you "introduced" your favorite pair of gloves? It was a big secret until they were available on your site (hiding manufacturer logos) so they could only be bought from you for an inflated price. I kinda giggled. Secrecy and the events followed, spoiled the taste for me with all products. Im entitled to that, aren't I? Id never buy a dodge as my bros trans locked up at 5,000 miles. Im entitled to say that and think how id like.

Your products might be cream of the crop, who knows. I have no use for them.
I've got a lot of pages to read. I will go through post by post. I'm late for dinner, but I'm really curious so I'm starting.
Brendonv, you are the only one that basically said, I won't buy any of the products he promotes because I don't want to buy anything from HIM.
That's cool. I'm glad you aren't making up problems with the products.
On the glove thing; I'm glad you brought it up because I never knew someone had a problem with it.
I really like those gloves, so I tried to sell them. I bought like $4000 worth to get the price cheaper then tried to sell them at the retail price.
Same thing all retailers do. I don't think it was inflated price, it was what fasten-all said they were worth, or darn close to it.
I'm glad you chimed in David. Thanks. IMHO I think everybody thought you were trying to pull the wool over their eyes in the beginning. When people feel threatened or fooled, there is bound to be backlash. I've sailed for near 30 yrs now and been in the trees for most of that. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have WTF moment when I saw your introduction of Antals rings.
Again, I made my own system with parts from Treestuff and use it regularly, but do find I use my Dmm Pinto more often as it is midline attachable. I am interested in the THT when it is available although with the size trees I work regularly, I don't see that getting used often. That's another point to be made as well, we don't all climb the same trees being from different areas of the world. Although we may use the same tequniches, we certainly do not use the same equip.
Thanks for the post. Interesting. I did a video today at the end of my day on the jobsite. It touched on this. thanks.
The bad taste is about David lying when confronted with the fact that his X-rings were just rebadged Antal rings.

If I remember correctly ( The original thread has been sanitized, so it'll have to be by memory) he went so far as to proclaim Antal an inferior product with a weld inside from the manufacturing process.

When Nick Bonner confronted him with unrefutable proof that they were one and the same, he started whining in the most unbecoming way about how we were all just a bunch of jalous vultures.

That left a bad taste that will never go away.

Was that plain enough, Reg?

Stig, thanks for talking about it. The original thread still exists I'm sure. I hope I can do a search for it tonight and find it. I never contributed and carried on that particular thread in hopes that it would go away and it did. Everything is saved in the buzz, so I can probably find it. Also, I figured this topic was a lot of the problem with several of you so I brought it up in my video today also; in hopes you could see my side of it. I hope the video is good enough sound wise and understandable, I'll try to upload it to youtube late tonight. It's a lot easier than typing for hours.

I'll read the rest later tonight, thanks.
I think that thread was cleaned up. I was part of it and I remember being very critical of David about the rings and the gloves. I have made peace with David and met him in person at TCIA, nice guy. Thanks for the rings DD!
I've got a lot of pages to read. I will go through post by post. I'm late for dinner, but I'm really curious so I'm starting.
Brendonv, you are the only one that basically said, I won't buy any of the products he promotes because I don't want to buy anything from HIM.
That's cool. I'm glad you aren't making up problems with the products.
On the glove thing; I'm glad you brought it up because I never knew someone had a problem with it.
I really like those gloves, so I tried to sell them. I bought like $4000 worth to get the price cheaper then tried to sell them at the retail price.
Same thing all retailers do. I don't think it was inflated price, it was what fasten-all said they were worth, or darn close to it.

Your right, I have no problem with your stuff. Or with you really. I think you made up this hatred I have for you and I'm sorry for that.
Personally, I look forward to using them. I like some top side friction, frequently going for a Belay Spool.

I actually would like it if the rings were higher friction, so more top-side friction, but not as much as the BS, and it would allow more (energy-absorbing) rope into the system than the BS, top-side. I want to be able to install and retrieve from the ground.
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The bad taste is about David lying when confronted with the fact that his X-rings were just rebadged Antal rings.

If I remember correctly ( The original thread has been sanitized, so it'll have to be by memory) he went so far as to proclaim Antal an inferior product with a weld inside from the manufacturing process.

When Nick Bonner confronted him with unrefutable proof that they were one and the same, he started whining in the most unbecoming way about how we were all just a bunch of jalous vultures.

That left a bad taste that will never go away.

Was that plain enough, Reg?

So who actually got threatened with a lawsuit ? Was it you stig ? I think David and Bonner actually get on pretty well together now days. They even shared a room at a more recent tcia expo....since all the evil deeds that took place, that you speak of. So, WTF ?

When somebody puts themselves in the spotlight online, it's really easy to find fault point out everything that person should've done differently....because, we can, and we never make mistakes ourselves, or at least not that we'kl admit to. Whats worse is when it transcends into a pack mentality, and the pack feeds the fire, blowing the whole thing out of proportion. I dont know about you stig, but I've been on the wrong of that situation and it's a very frustrating place to be. You're doing you best and you have a pack of wolves trying to undermine you. And that's the downside to the net....its such an convenient place to point the finger and start casting damming judgement and character assassination. Man, if the net truly translated into real life I'd have had a lot of fistfights at expos and stuff.....but as it turns out, people seem to be a lot less critical and self assured when you're stood in front if them. Often is the case they can't shake your hand fast enough. Funny how that works.

You're not perfect stig. None of us are. It's just that a lot of our misdemeanors don't get broadcased all over the place. I think you should let it go. Nothing good comes out if harboring bad feeling.

Jerry B has vouched for David's character, as he's probably spent more time with him than anyone else here. Thats good enough for me.

Ben, nothing Is ever free mate.
Aint that the truth.

-- ----------

Yes, it seems like Bonner and Driver are cordial with each other these days, business is business. As for sharing rooms, yes, we all bunked up for the night at a recent expo along with PCTREE but that night Nick and I were in no shape to drive :drunk: and had to work early the next day. Paul kept the peace, he doesn't put up with that childish horseplay, I was out like a light.:sleepy1: Thanks again guys.

Whether you like the Xman character or not, it doesn't really matter because the product is useful enough to sell no matter how much of an ass he is. :big-bat: X continues to invest money and time into testing the product and continues to come out with useful tools for tree workers to use.

Any tree rigger that refuses to use XRR because of their hatred of theXman is only hurting themselves, or at least not helping themselves as much as they could be... which is very un-tree climberlike :?

XRR middle finger.jpg
haters get over it. XRR4life
Your right, I have no problem with your stuff. Or with you really. I think you made up this hatred I have for you and I'm sorry for that.

Brendonv, really. I hope that is true. I started a thing a few year ago, when someone tended to attack or be negative right away and their name seemed familiar, I wrote the name down and over the last few years it was always that list of names. the same people every time. I don't use facebook, but friends that use facebook tell me the same names tend to go out of their way to bash the XRRs.
I appreciate this post Brendonv.
Update, I compiled my video from the end of the work day today and reviewed it. It's fine. I'm rendering it now. I hate hearing myself talk, but it addresses a fair amount of things for this treehouse group and might even be interesting to some.
The bad taste is about David lying when confronted with the fact that his X-rings were just rebadged Antal rings.

If I remember correctly ( The original thread has been sanitized, so it'll have to be by memory) he went so far as to proclaim Antal an inferior product with a weld inside from the manufacturing process.

When Nick Bonner confronted him with unrefutable proof that they were one and the same, he started whining in the most unbecoming way about how we were all just a bunch of jalous vultures.

That left a bad taste that will never go away.

Was that plain enough, Reg?

Stig, if you think I lied, then I agree with you. One thing I really can't stand is a liar and I think maybe 90% of people do it in one way or the other.
It's odd, one of the things I feel is me, is being honest. I don't think I lied, but I surely squirmed, as I talk about in the video from today.
okay FJR and EMR. Thanks for the feedback. Seriously. Please see my video. It's boring, but on this subject so it might interest you.
Dave's a good guy and a great innovator in the industry. I will admit his online manners distract at times, but if you know the man like I do that is easily overlooked

Jer, thank you. The hard thing reading this thread so far is the thought that some others think I'm a liar. Which is so opposite from the people that know me. I make the hard choices to tell the truth when even under pressure to not. Whether it's a traffic stop and a cop or my wife asking if she looks good in an awful outfit; I tell the truth.

I definitely squirmed when asked about antal rings in 2012 and I hope there is some understanding when others hear my story.

I really appreciate the post Jer. I'm getting less aggressive and starting to mature in my older age by the way.

I still will never silence my tongue for product sales, I will always speak my mind. I could never be a politician; I will never try to make everyone happy. I will be who I am.
Seems the only way Driver makes friends is by giving his rings out for free.

Dang. Good one.

hmm, Jerry didn't get any rings? he would have, because he is a friend, but is retired from tree work, so I didn't send him any.
Personally, I look forward to using them. I like some top side friction, frequently going for a Belay Spool.

I actually would like it if the rings were higher friction, so more top-side friction, but not as much as the BS, and it would allow more (energy-absorbing) rope into the system than the BS, top-side. I want to be able to install and retrieve from the ground.

SouthSound........ you have seen the X-Rigging THT, haven't you? No joke, but it sounds just what you are looking for.