Dormant hero!!
Electric winches are slow.
My groundsman is pig headed and doesn't like to learn much It takes a while for things to sink in lol Bless him
Capstan hoists are a lot faster than winches Willie. It's way faster than a GRCS or a masdam, that's for sure. The foot control is nice too.Electric winches are slow.
4:1 or 5:1 is little compared to 22:1 or 44:1.
That being said, if you aren't lifting at a maximum, porty solidly attached to the frame, and right-pedal-judicious-power can go along way, if you have the room. Long Island, maybe not so much.
I wonder about a porty and rope for rigging, and a small 12v winch powered by the chipper or truck (mount on frame, maybe) with a lifting line attached to the cable. Inexpensive lifting that would have a shorter ROI, and maybe available cheaply in used but good shape.
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I've been pondering on using a capstan hoist for some pulling and lifting. I used them for years to hang back-lot transformers with the power company. Mine's rated for 1,000 lbs. It requires 120 volts but I've got a little generator that runs it just fine. Any thoughts?
Fully agreeA GRCS really shines on the broadleaf trees in tight quarters. Storm work.. I would say a GRCS or HOBBS is almost mandatory it just makes things go sooo much easier.
Man, I do o.k, but I only started the climbing stuff about twelve years ago on New England Safety Blue rope, and a ddrt prussic. Learned footlocking and stuff. But I'm 43, man. I just with that I'd have started this stuff in my twenties cause I love this trade. Wish I'd a fallen commercial timber too. Oh, to have had just a few more lives.
But I'm 43, man. I just with that I'd have started this stuff in my twenties cause I love this trade. Wish I'd a fallen commercial timber too. Oh, to have had just a few more lives.