Working in wind

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Yep. Clearer is better.

Once my restoration crew tried to out-pee me, unbeknownst to me, when we were working on the Eureka Sand Dunes in Death Valley NP. I don't think that they beat 'Clear and Copious Kroll' as I was dubbed, since I really pushed hydration at safety meetings, hoping they would at least get decent hydration.

People sometimes need the sunblock in lip balm, but rarely need it for dry lips, they need water for dry lips. Lips, and mucous membranes are great indicators of hydration. Lips getting dry are like raisins, rather than well hydrated grapes.
If I am really sweating and guzzling water or sports drink, the way I usually do, i seldom have to pee. It seems like it all pumps out in sweat, I mean drenched. I don't know if that is good or not.
There's an expression that its more important to see how much comes out that how much goes in.

Sweat does carry toxins out of the body, though I've heard that they can soak back in through the skin to some degree if not rinsed off.

I've heard that dehydrated people often have worse B.O. due to concentrated toxins. Don't know about this, though.
I notice that after a couple cycles drinking water heavily and sweating it out, there is no odor at all. I feel cleaned out. It seems to last for another day or two as well.
Greg and I spent about 10 hours in a tree at zipfest, unless he wet his pants, neither of us took a leak till we got down. I know I should drink more water but rarely see any trouble with the amounts I do drink
Water is the Great Purifier.

One can't drink enough, for the most part.

You can drink too much sometimes though, maybe we should have a thread about it.

You need to drink plenty of water especially if you sweat a lot, but you need to eat as well or you can end up getting pretty sick or worse.

Water intoxication or Hyponatremia, can happen to you in fairly extreme circumstances. I had a dose of it once a long time ago, working hard to finish a job and get paid. In the bush Christmas Eve by myself, stinking hot, no food but heaps of water. Never knew about it in those days, I was pretty fit and 29 and I reckon I came fairly close to not making it.

"Any activity or situation that promotes heavy sweating can lead to water intoxication when water is consumed to replace lost fluids. Persons working in extreme heat and/or humidity for long periods must take care to drink and eat in ways that help to maintain electrolyte balance."

A girl died near me from it a few years ago, pretty common with Ecstasy users evidently.

hyponatremia is a real condition, for sure. Its experienced by some hikers in the Grand Canyon, USA when people don't carry enough food, but water is plentiful. Its 8 miles down and 8 miles back up from the canyon floor.

This, too, is taught in wilderness medicine. Most people need fluids, but when a person with hyponatremia is given fluids, it makes everything worse, sometimes the unaware medical responder will see the patient worsening and give more fluids, further making the situation worse.

Provided that we aren't melting on Ecstacy while working, this is a rare case, especially when a lot of residential tree crews are grabbing quick/ fast food to go with a high sodium content.

I'll bet that the balance is at least 1000+:1 for under-hydration to over-hydration.
Working in the wind makes pee'ing from the tree more challenging.

Working in the rain, maybe more so, as some rain pants don't have a fly.

Better pissed off than pissed on, as Travis found out one day when I tried to sneak a leak..while he was at the chipper......I was way up, and the drift takes quite a while to touch down..or in this case, Trav......

oh, and at my age, it can take a while.....
When "suddenly" I feel tired and clumsy, with less strength, like having "heavy boots", I know that I pushed too far and I need quickly some water. Some, that's around one liter (a quarter gallon), almost without breathing. The body is thirsty, for the less, but my mind doesn't know it, or doesn't care, before this warning signal.
water is good but probably not enough, my wife makes me lime/lemonade with kiefer or whey in it. It's like gatorade with out all the crap.
Whey? Does it dissolve completely? Is it just a bit?

I drink a ton of water all I ever drink during the day.
The stuff you mix yourself? Diluted? I could never drink in normal gatorade near the amount that I do of water in a workday.
I once worked with a guy who would climb hard in brutal summer heat. He would get out of the tree and drink coffee. Often washed down with a doob.
I once worked with a guy who would climb hard in brutal summer heat. He would get out of the tree and drink coffee. Often washed down with a doob.

drinking warm things on warm days is easier on your body, as for the doob, well thats just easy on the mind.