Who's laughing now!?

Thor's Hammer

Wolfish. Sometimes Bites.
May 5, 2005
Land of Dragons
Some amazing pics from here -

I love the forethought and ingenuity.



We have a guy here that's done the same thing, but his levee is only about two feet; you don't even notice it. In the flood prone area where he lives, he says it's saved his house twice. COOL!
Ingenuity - yes. Access to large earth moving equipment at a moments notice - yes.

Forethought - ummm, that would have been building the home at a higher elevation to begin with.
And what happens if it rains hard again? Seems like a soup bowl to me, just waiting to get filled up! But some impressive work to save property for sure!
Andy it could turn into soup bowl. But a lot of these folks have pumps.
There's a lot of people on the Russian river flood plain that can take some lessons here. The insurance companies canceled polices there because the people are stupid enough to live in a flood plain in the first place.

Now I always figured a floating house on piers would be as good and less expensive. to each their own.
Just do like we do.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2zDJA4UkHBY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Problemo solved. Well, your vehicles might need to be parked on a barge.
I've seen them elevated like the photo if they were in flood planes .

Over the last 200 years they've levied up the Mississippi to the point it's running higher than the natural banks .That water has to go some place .
All things considered; I'd say a couple months of snow and cold ain't so freaking bad, eh? ;)
Tornados aren't a bad thing for a tree guy. ;) Let it snow; if I can't move it with the F350... I don't need to get there bad enough. :lol:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2zDJA4UkHBY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Problemo solved. Well, your vehicles might need to be parked on a barge.

They used to build them like that up north, called the Queenslander. Now they put them on concrete slabs and winge when it floods.

They were nice houses, and cool.

Having a house up high like that must be good for air circulation, keep the wood underneath from rotting and ant infestation.