Which Saddle?

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Apr 17, 2022
I'm climbing mostly SRT but a little DRT. I also do rock and cave climbing although I do have a very lightweight saddle for that. I do some tree-work, mostly for myself.
I was looking at a Petzel Sequoia SRT. But I'm always hearing good things about Monkey Beavers.
Any recomendations?
Welcome! Really, the best thing is to try a few in person if possible. There's a bunch of good saddles that aren't objectively better than one another aside from personal comfort/style of the individual climber. Know what I mean? If I were to buy one today, I'd get the MonkeyBeaver2. I figure it's the spiritual successor to the NewTribe Onyx, which I love. It also gets good reviews from people I trust. Is it actually the best for me? Can't say without trying all the other options, but I feel good about it. It can also be had in olive drab, which pushes it up the list for me :^D
I'm a Sequoia SRT fan.
Just bought my second one, which is the improved version. It's on standby for when I finally stop using my original.