What are you using for SRT and why?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Benjo75
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Nah, I didn't mean you! I meant the guy with the cig!

Edit- not that you don't give off great treeman vibes!
A couple of rather elderly tree men...now this is just a guess, but imo it would not be a path to success to bet against either one of them, when the tough tasks roll in :/:.

Put us together...I know we could shame many a much younger crew :D. As I'm pretty sure my fine friend Gary will agree ;).
Okay, I'll give Pete a pass on the cig, but not a cap is missing from all those bottles of brew in that photo!?!?!?
Then I noticed the French press is only at half-mast; - figure it must be about 7am :)

When is the face-off between the real geezers and the younger treemen and treewomen? Now that I am 65 I think I'd get to play on the retiree squad.
Ha - I quit cigs about 9 years ago so you will all have to get yer own smokes 😏

Cory, the treehouse had already taken me over to Oz, so a quick hop over the pond seemed too good an offer to pass up.Calling it memorable does the trip an injustice. I met some awesome people, rode a Wraptor up a redwood & got to go on a road trip up the PNW, visited a USFS workshop plus much much more. You don’t get many chances like that in a lifetime so you have to just run with it sometimes 🤘😎
Sounds totally awesome.

I see from your avatar you still favor sunglasses at work!
Okay, I'll give Pete a pass on the cig, but not a cap is missing from all those bottles of brew in that photo!?!?!?
Then I noticed the French press is only at half-mast; - figure it must be about 7am :)

When is the face-off between the real geezers and the younger treemen and treewomen? Now that I am 65 I think I'd get to play on the retiree squad.

See this, Pantheraba? Now the geezer team is beyond unbeatable. Welcome, Pat!
Ha - I quit cigs about 9 years ago so you will all have to get yer own smokes 😏

Cory, the treehouse had already taken me over to Oz, so a quick hop over the pond seemed too good an offer to pass up.Calling it memorable does the trip an injustice. I met some awesome people, rode a Wraptor up a redwood & got to go on a road trip up the PNW, visited a USFS workshop plus much much more. You don’t get many chances like that in a lifetime so you have to just run with it sometimes 🤘😎
We had way more fun than the law generally allows, didn't we Pete. Your name was always brought up at later USFS climbing certification workshops at Dorena, up until I retired several years later. You contributed significant value.
Pete @pete mctree , I'll spell it out so perhaps you, and certainly others of our chosen profession, can clearly see the value of your attendance at the USFS climbing instructors workshop, after the Wraptorfest, back in 2009.

First most, there was just the day in and out interaction between some of the most talented instructors the USFS owned, and some of the most likely to exceed talent in the form of the instructor trainees the USFS had on offer...and you, my esteemed colleague and friend. Your perspective from the Brit/Euro experience often stood in such stark contrast to the PNW point of view. It was the sort of unsettling and upsetting whack to the side of our collective heads that wakes really talented climbers (long skilled and newbies alike) to look much more closely at assumptions.

That was worth it's weight in gold, and that has not gone away even to this day, due to those younger instructors and climbers that had the benefit of spending time with you, and are still teaching and climbing today; 12 years gone now...wow.

The other quite specific thing you most generously offered to do, and which I twisted some serious USFS management type arms to make the time for in an otherwise always crowded schedule:)...was that couple of hours where we brought a whole slew of climbers' kit to that table we set up in the yard next to the equipment shed and you inspected it per your British specifications for condition and fit for purpose, a task you were certified for at home. You followed through with unvarnished truth, not always welcomed in our A type personality dominated field of endeavor :).

Now that right there was a piece of work that carried a lot of benefits for the USFS tree climbing program. Solid, concrete standards. Repeatable inspection protocols.

It was a leap forward for us, that you alone made happen, Pete. Well, perhaps not totally alone, since I was the blaspheming American who brought the rascally Brit into our fold :D.

And there is one undeniable last proof of benefit. USFS climbers and instructors have drunk a better quality of ale and whiskies, ever after :lol:.

Kudos, Pete. You have made a real difference on my side of the pond, for my USFS climbers .
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Methinks you profess my skills too grand dear sir! (Huh, works for the Bard; just sounds silly when I say it)
Not even close, respected sir. If nothing else, I need your amazing energy to balance my lazy-ass approach. Gary takes up more than significant middle ground on that front. All told, I say again, unbeatable :D.
Good heads up, thanks!

Not gonna happen though, I'm buried.
I had been using a friction saver, alpine butterfly blocking with a carb for security when i don't base tie. It seems to retrieve a bit easier for me, and i gotta use it for something right?
Kyle, if you are going to adopt Euro slang for climbing gear, fer gad's sake get it right, old son. If you cannot properly identify the piece of gear as a carabiner, at least understand it's a "crab", not a "carb".

Part of scuba diving is annual inspections for tanks to be sure they are safe. One of our long time old timer dive shop owners felt it was overboard and too demanding of the gov't. He made his own sticker to go on the tanks he inspected..and he did a LOT of tanks...he had the main dive shop in downtown Atlanta, right at the GA Tech campus (where I got my certification).

He called his certification program the Periodic Inspection Service for Scuba. I think you probably get the acronym. It was rich yellow color, all official and everything. I admired George Krasle.
