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How do you change the threads to show posts from the last posts made to show up on the last page of the thread? Does that make sense?

Right now mine shows the latest posts in a thread as page #1...


So you are viewing the threads with the posts in reverse order? Click the 'settings' button at the top right corner of the page.
Then click general settings on the left sidebar.
Then scroll down to thread display options. In the thread display mode you want it to be set on linear- oldest first.
Go to the bottom of the page and click save changes.
Your thread display mode is set to Newest First instead of Oldest First.

You can change it.

So you are viewing the threads with the posts in reverse order? Click the 'settings' button at the top right corner of the page.
Then click general settings on the left sidebar.
Then scroll down to thread display options. In the thread display mode you want it to be set on linear- oldest first.
Go to the bottom of the page and click save changes.

Fo shizzle! That was it! Thanks mang!

I doesn't remember me. I'm hurt.
I have to log back in every time if I close the forum tab.

Jay, my thinking ain't misguided, I told you, I know it when I see it!

I live in a town known internationally for it's concentration of 'artists'. Obviously I'm not one, nor do I call many of them my friends... but they usually pay good. They're witers mostly but painters and sculptors too. The best one I know is a guy who never stays with one medium very long, just until he learns it and then he goes on. You can tell he's just got all this inside him and he HAS to express it visually. The dude sells a few pieces a month in the $5K to $10K range and always seems to be getting an installation ready for a commissioned gig somewhere.
I have coffee with him every couple of weeks to shoot the shit, he's a rock climber and a dad too. He's the one that told me art was a really big word and he prefers not to use it. ...he makes stuff, cool looking stuff that most people really like... for money. And if it has a message, that message is usually clear without an explanation. That's it, he's just a guy that makes stuff. No big claims, normal ego and makes a HELL of a living. My point is, I get plenty of exposure to 'art' and 'artists' and my current thinking is that, if you claim it as art and you're looking to sell it (or take a commission)... then, in my opinion, it's probably not art because you are fulfilling someone else's vision rather than your own. I'm not knocking that, just own it and call it what it is... making a living... by making stuff. Nothing wrong with that and it takes away the stereotype of the 'brooding misunderstood artist dressed in black'. It's real.

The Spire doesn't excite me in any way, nor does it communicate anything to me. I guess I'm dense but I hesitate to call anything like that art. I'm not slamming Goldsworthy either, the leaf/stream thing for one, is remarkably creative and naturally elegant... very expressive. The Spire? meh, not so much. I can't say whether it is or isn't art to someone else, but it isn't to me... looks more like a meal ticket.

I have always struggled with the word 'art' becfause I like fine craftsmanship in any form and that, to me, is where art lives. A person who gives something of their self to their work in the form of mastery and perfectionism, whether it's conceptually creative or not, is an artist. Maybe I'm arguing with myself here but, the finished piece isn't really the art, it's the result of art. The art is in the making, the mastery of the materials, attention to detail and execution... it's what you do every day, how you live your life. It's what you would do if you were still a kid but with advanced skills. Selling or even showing the piece doesn't matter. You can't play the blues without paying your dues... the art is in the paying, more than the playing.
several forums I frequent have been using this vbulletin suite for some time. Aesthetically, and in terms of navigation, I think its a step back from the previous version. they didn't ask me, though :D
Doc, Tree Reb posted these links in the other thread showing some much better skins IMO. I prefer the classic vBulletin style.

Thats not an easy task.:scrambleup:

I lost the one I really liked but it was like this only a bit darker. http://www.3onthebay.com/forums/forum.php

There's a million of them here, I only looked at blue. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/archive/index.php/f-247.html

This might come in handy, no pink please. :) http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/entry.php?2422-vBulletin-4.0.4-Style-Generator
How do you make a donation now. I'd say this new set up must have cost a few bucks to get going and would like to throw a few dollars in to show my appreciation. I don't see the Pay Pal sign.
Yes, That's another work in progress. You can use snail mail, for sure. Just PM for an address when/if you're of a mind.

But, it was really Brian and Erik that lit the fire under my butt to get things right. They, Stig, and others already mentioned are the ones who've paid for this.

I'm getting more used to it now...still think there is too much blue, you know the women have to comment on the 'treatments' :)