Wagnaw moves to Illinois

  • Thread starter Wagnaw
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  • #26
First day at work is tomorrow! I met and had lunch with the guy who had the job three years ago. Apparently, the last two people who had this job were also named Andrew. Weird huh?...

I'm not sure how much I will be in the actual materials, but from what I heard today in conversation, I probably will a little. Like if they need to demonstrate a technique or something for a picture, I will be the demonstrator. I'm all about it.

Also, The 1st tree IS a hackberry. I'd never seen one before, so it took me a while. There are a bunch around, and a really huge one two houses down from me. I went to go look at it though, and a copper line runs through the middle of the canopy about half way up. :cry: It was looking like a fun carefree climb until I saw that.

Mandi and I went on some walks around town today too, and I saw some really sweet trees. This place has a lot of variety. I also saw a Huge old American Elm. :\: I'm gonna go around tomorrow afternoon with a camera and get some of my favorites from today.
Like if they need to demonstrate a technique or something for a picture, I will be the demonstrator. I'm all about it.


wear your tree house t-shirt for the vid...that would be classic............
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  • #31
I don't have any TreeHouse gear. Maybe I should get a shirt or something. 8)
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  • #36
Screw a golf shirt!!! There are a lot of striped polo shirts around here, none of whom are me!! They may have an ISA shirt for me or something, but if Butch will let me know when he gets some shirts in, I'll do my best. ...Black with white letters. White shirts last me about a day.
PM me your address, I'll send you one of mine.......loan only though:/:
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  • #38
That means I have to move back to NC to return it right!!

Hey man. My address is:

712 W Illinois St. Apt. 4
Urbana, Il 61801-3999

I'd be all about wearing one of those shirts in a picture, but I'm hoping to get a hold of one when MB gets some. Ohh... and your mail box is full.:P
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  • #40
So, today was the first day in the office. I didn't get any pictures of the outside cause it was rainy, but I will tomorrow. I felt like I was thrown into an arborist episode of Office Space. :?

Me and this other kid named Andrew share this little 8x12 office. Kinda feels like we're in a closet all day, which is pretty weird being that this is my first inside job ever. It's cool though, and today I basically spent the whole day reading policies and meeting people. We also talked a little about the Tree Risk Management CD-ROM, which is the next one that they are coming out with. I think they're pretty much done. They were just nailing down some of the warning, so that they don't accidentally set any mandates for arborists in the industry that could come back and bite consulting arborists in the arse.

After that, they handed me the WHOLE SERIES of CD-ROMS to go through. :O
They said their mine to keep, which is cool cause they're expensive CEUs for free, but I'm supposed to do all of them pretty quick. I did four today.


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  • #46
Yah but he has to wear a golf shirt for all of it.:lol:

Just razzing ya Andrew!:P8)

Well... up until yesterday, I didn't own a single collared shirt. Now I own two. :|:

There will be a little field work to take pictures and stuff, which I'm looking forward to.
if your are wearing polos, did you girl bleach her hair blonde yet:D
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  • #48
if your are wearing polos, did you girl bleach her hair blonde yet:D

No f'n way!!! How about, I just finished doing EVERY CD in the set so far today. :|: Talk about Cert Arb lingo overload.

Tomorrow, I'm going through the photo archives to organize ALL the unlabeled photos they have, which is pretty much all of them. I have to figure out what is being displayed in each of them, who took them, and then file them in a folder where people can find them in the future. It'll be cool, but the best part is that once I'm done going through what they have, I get to decide what they're missing. AKA, make the pictures they're missing. ...maybe I can convince them that they need some proper crane tie in pics or proper rigging setups of something. :lol: I love playing with rigging. :D