Visiting on West Coast


Mar 21, 2005
Avon, IL
I am planning to be on the west coast in redwood country on July 21-22. Is there any tree houser's in the area that could get me into a redwood or other big tree on one of those days? I realize that several of you will be in RI for the ISA ITCC on those days, but that is when my vacation time worked out. If you have any ideas, let me know. Thanks, Bob

PS: The last time I was in that area was 1958, so I did not do much climbing and remember even less.
Good luck Bob. One day I hope to have a similar request fulfilled. Might not be feasible for a decade or two though.
Lots of friendly and helpful treehousers out that way, Bob. Too bad you couldn't have made it to Leggett last month for the West coast get-together.

Maybe Butch can move this thread to a different forum where it might get seen easier? This is the music, tv and movies forum.
Bob and I have known each other though a few TCI shows over the years, and last year in Milwaukee he told me that a trip to the redwoods would be in order this year.

Unfortunately I'll be in Providence when he comes to the West Coast. So any body here that can take the time to make his trip a little more special would be most rewarded through sharing the time of his life experiences and wisdom. And showing him the most special of trees of course.
I would be happy to climb a redwood or two with you Bob. Check your private messages
those are work days for me....the company camping trip is that weekend though and we will be in leggett

how big a redwood do want to get into?

im sure old fransi would help ya out

i can give ya a few places to see if ya like
might have time for a climb, not sure my shedule stinks
we are 45 minutes south of eureka