That's an interesting idea rhino I'll have to give that a go.
With your DdRT setup, choke your line off with your biner, then run the tail of your rope back through the biner. Tend the tail of your rope and your knot at the same time. This way, you can come down on your DdRT set-up without binding up your friction hitch and when you get to the ground, you can pull the whole set up back down to you.
Or spike down.
I'd be interested to hear your story sean, I understand if you don't want share it though
So, it looks like you get down, clear your hitch paraphernalia from the line and then pull that long bight through the biner...right?
Yah what Willie said, that's what I'm seeing in that pic too?
With your DdRT setup, choke your line off with your biner, then run the tail of your rope back through the biner. Tend the tail of your rope and your knot at the same time. This way, you can come down on your DdRT set-up without binding up your friction hitch and when you get to the ground, you can pull the whole set up back down to you.
Or spike down.
You can do that or just pull the tail while letting slack out at your hitch and pull it to you in a controlled manner if you don't want to bomb your biner out of the tree.