This is for all you standard footlockers out there. Came up with this about four years ago while practicing for a competetion and never got to use it because I ended up in Butches neck of the woods just before the comp.
Normally, once you footlock into the tree you have to pull up your system, have the groundy pull your systen up, or just pull up the short end and tie off.
I'm assuming everyone knows standard footlock set up which is pic #1
Pic #2 standard vt or what ever system you use as long as it has a slack tender.
Pic #3 attach another climb line to your system with biner.
Pic #4 pull down on standing end of main system drawing up your vt to desired height. Preferably your height above where you need to stand.
now you have a double line to footlock up and a secondary rope if needed for access. once you reach your destination, flip line in, detach secondary rope and hook in... Ready to go.....
Now dont go picking aprt my set up here, you got the