There's nothing wrong with the first pic. (cept the upside down biner).
I do what Darin does - cut a notch in the top of the spar to set my line in and just use my regular climbing system. I can then shake it off before falling the piece. But that's only when I might have to stand around for awhile waiting for the groundies to get the last piece out of the way. Otherwise I just walk down on my spurs.
I have used this method also. I really wouldn't recommend it. It actually has been the cause of a lot of injuries (and I think, deaths).
Also, for those of you who use any of the aforementioned methods for securing a highline for cutting a notch on a spar, there is a down side and so should not be used on a regular basis.
When you are working with a large saw, cutting a kerf on a spar with a highline your saw will be ivery close to your highline. Can you see where I'm going with this? Also if anything were to happen to your highline, your spurs will not be properly set; almost guaranteeing an uncomfortable occurrence.
So use it wisely
I have used this method also. I really wouldn't recommend it. It actually has been the cause of a lot of injuries (and I think, deaths).
Do you attach the small ring with a smaller line or string? I have just been using the end of my throw bag line.For rapping off spars I use an adjustable ring-ring friction saver. The ticket for getting it to come off without getting stuck is to use a small round ring on the end of the rope instead of a ball or a knot. Slips right through even when the rings are choked up tight on the spar.
I don't know what it is that I do differently than, for example, Carl...but my experience is similar to Bounce's. I never have slid more than a few feet if I gaffed out both feet simultaneously. Closing the lanyard down with both hands, jamming a knee in or catching a gaff, leaning back...some combination has always arrested a slid for me.
I expect on a turned pole it would be easy as heck to firepole it down, but on a tree I just haven't had that experience at all.
Thank goodness .
I've never used a wrap in my lanyard yet. It's overkill that would slow me down.