Tree Guy's Wife
Yes, I'm sure. Well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
"re-connect" with tree guy.. It may speed things up. Or wait, I dunno?
It's a woman/mother thing,she will know,and be fine with it.Ha,with the birth of my two,my ex handled it better than me.For heavens sake my actual part it in was likely less than 5 minutes,being real honest about it.not having any younglets of my own yet, I figure ole Al's advice is pretty valid.
Suddenly,for no reason at all ,Ms Nate will get the over powering urge to clean the house.Not real strange,except it might be 2 a.m. in the morning.Perhaps two days prior to this,feeling compelled to make sure there is plenty of food in the house and other things.Aha,baby is on the way.
This is called the nesting instinct,it's been with the ladies since time immemoral.Natures way,so to speak.It has worked for centuries,relax,it will happen.
Natalie, Time for jumping jacks.