The one thing I don't like about topping is that sometimes it makes me think that I'm turning into a farmer.
I consider any topping I do as the first step towards removal.
I don't have enough to fill a whole post-it note.Darin, Don't be silly-There is no pamphlet-it is just a little post-it note.
Most people listen when I explain teh negative consequences of topping. Sometimes I sell a nice pruning. Sometimes I sell a crown reduction as a less bad alternative to topping. Sometimes they get someone else. C'est la vie. Aargh, patooey,....French!
So true! I have topped one tree and that was for hazard mitigation a young hollow ash at about fifty feet up. When I get asked by a customer to top a tree I start pushing limb tip redux or drop crotching and 99% of the time it is to keep the peace between neighbors. I think we take it so personally is the fact that we know better.I don't see the average home owner ever getting a clear understanding on what is good for their trees. Even in spite of how much the industry has advanced and the knowledgeable craft in the field is perusing perfection. The average HO will never get it. And so topping will continue. and a few other not so good things
If they want to hire some hack to go back and butcher the tree after I'm gone, then at least my name isn't on it.
Isn't that the truth .I don't see the average home owner ever getting a clear understanding on what is good for their trees.