This is the Akimbo

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Was able to get my hands on an Akimbo. Haven't had a chance to read through this whole thread yet, but was wondering what you guys/gals like for lines to use with it and if there are any tips/tricks to pass on?

Tachyon runs great for me. Accept I switched to a new rope the other day and it crept some. Adjusted it and was frustrated by added friction.

Then I read a Rico post about washing a new rope and getting it to no longer creep in a mechanical - yet to try it.
Yes. I find it works fine DdRT. I especially appreciate the midline attachability with crane work. I toss the end of my line through the ring by the crane ball and back to my bridge, lanyard through the hook on top of the straps. Then once straps are set and I have rapelled down and lanyarded in to where I'll cut (especially if it is a long pick) it is a lot easier to shorten my line by opening the Akimbo to reset my line around the trunk than hauling lots of rope through it or through a hitch as on the HitchHiker.

And Merle, I have had new rope creep until the Samthane or whatever coating they use wears down some.
At the factory, they use a lubricant to braid the ropes. It's a very small amount but it does its job. Either you wash the rope to get ride of it, or be patient, waiting that the friction does it for you. Both work, but the last takes a while.
I've heard a lot of positives using KM III with the Akimbo. My Kernmaster Safari is getting pretty beat up.
There are a lot of new ropes out there.
Wonder what I should try for my next 200 ft line?
Probably already been answered, but has anyone tried the Akimbo in a Dbdt rope climbing system?

Read the whole thread you lazy bum!

I should have put a smiley in, but I wanted to see if I could get you to blow up again:lol:
No worries Stig, I won't blow up again...and I am really sorry about that. Yes, I did read through this whole post (took me awhile) and there sure is a lot of great info here.

I used the Akimbo in SRT and Dbdt climbing on Sat. Climbing on Cherry Bomb. Went well, but I also have some Sterling 11mm HTP which I will try out later this week.
I have a 70 meter length of Sterling HTP, yellow. I find it not only flattens out but has this odd tendency to get really stiff once under a load using the Akimbo or a Rope Runner.
Stowing it back into a rope bag or coiling it is a trip.
I guess those acronyms get changed up every now and then just to make sure everyone is paying attention?

Hmmmmm. K.I.S.S.
I'm surprised the change caught on so quickly. Seems it might not need to happen again. MRS makes sense because it distinguishes double rope from double rope where both legs are stationary (some people are climbing on that, as I understand it.)
If you donated $100 to the gofundme please check the gofundme update i just posted. i believe it should send to you as email notification
Here is what the update says...I just sent my email to Jaime.:

I googled "gofundme Jaime akimbo" and the page popped right up.

Update 8
Posted by Jaime Merritt
14 hours ago

Hello all! First off, i want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have been so extraordinarily patient through this whole thing! I am reaching out to all of you who donated $100 so, so long ago. At some point gofundme changed the way they do things such that I no longer have access to the list of donor email addresses (something to do with EU privacy laws). If you donated $100 and you are still alive and want to FINALLY get your akimbo please email me at:

[email protected]

Title your email "Akimbo 100 club" and please include your shipping address. You MUST email me, no facebook messages, no Treebuzz or Treehouse messages. I just can't guarantee i will see those and it is important i keep all the contact info for everyone in one place. Cheers, and Thank You again! Jaime

P.S. i do have a list of donor names so no cheating ;)
I will provide more details and happily answer questions through email.
Help spread the word!