On that first pic over the roof, were you tied in way up high on that lead? I can't see a rope?
And I noticed your pics loaded correctly. Nice!
That line hanging below me in one pic and still hanging in the second was my climb line. I ascended straight up to my work SRT after a good pull test, two man. In the second pic, you can see the rigging line installed to tension up on the limb so I can install the cabling.
My picts generally load up right because I edit them often into the correct orientation in Gimp or windows depending on which machine I am on.
Beautiful pics CV. Mistletoe must be a real nuisance out there.
Thanks Rich. PITA and a nuisance, but there is plenty of it and it keeps the lights on. Actually pretty profitable since you don't run as much fuel through saws and kit when doing it.
Awesome oak tree on that first job. What kinda oak is it?
First tree I am pretty certain it is a Blue Oak, old one. Quercus douglasii
Second more than likely a younger Western White Oak. Quercus garryana.
Or possibly a Valley Oak, Quercus lobata.
I'll know more once it leafs out.
What kind of bird is that sitting in your finished tree? Some sort of hawk?
Dude, your pruning work is superb. IMO very few people have the gift of being able to see a tree like that and have the skill to bring it out without over pruning. I'm not usually one to comment on tree work pics but your pruning work just makes me do a double take.
That was a hawk, probably redtail. They often peg us as a food source since we stir up the critters. This tree over looks some open meadows, so I guess it usually hunts from it. Found some poop on the roof too. The tops are pretty flat on this tree, and removing the huge clumps of mistletoe opened the tops up more for it's wings. Just chillin soon as I came out of the tree. I had one more lead to do, it left and came back when I came down again. Did not even move when I went up on the roof to get a picture of the bolt. Talked to me a bit though.
I really appreciate your critique of my work Brian. It means a lot to me. Thanks for the kudos.
Thanks guys