The Official Work Pictures Thread

I don’t know much about eucs, but sycamore and London plane are another story. Very stable for climbing and can be relatively fun. The dust sucks. I’m blaming this cough that has kept me up at night on that job I just did. Even though they weren’t in leaf the radiators and air cleaners were still full of that fine hairlike dust

We worked a 7' DBH storm-damaged LPT. Respirators!

Much more of a nuisance to choke, hack, and spit than wear a $30 cartridge respirator.

Definitely blow off with the leaf blower before delayering.

Works great. Honest. I keep two respirators in the truck. When chipping lots of pollen-laden branches or dead branches, they can be handy. Sanding and painting. Rarely used, but worth it.
... Love to hear from someone who's climbed both...

They really are very different, Cory. In densely treed locations or when they have been hacked, Sycamore trees can get leggy and be challenging to climb for sure.

With Eucs it is not uncommon for the first limb to be 75' up, even on "smaller" trees. Once you have passed the loose, shaggy lower bark, that can be a pain, you are into bark so smooth you just know you are going to slide if you take a misstep. We would rarely set-top lines when doing removals so you had to pay attention to your spurring technique. The plus side was the bark is extremely consistent and holds a spur well if you do your part.

The wood on Eucs, though strong, has more flex than any other tree species I have climbed. Lots of movement in the canopies. A large amount of movement is to be expected when cuts with greenery are made. Those green tips are heavy! Lowering a decent size top is an experience. Add to all that even young trees quickly reach 100 plus feet and you have a tree that can make you seriously remember a mistake could hurt.
Great Job, Sam. I love Eucs! A very reliable tree.

My feeble pictures.
We took an Ash out.
2 day job.
Today was just the lower wood.
The client saved me about $400 in wood disposal. Says he's gonna split it for his neighbor. Thanks. Dude.


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It was a giant 60' tumbleweed of was a blast. Had been topped forever...the base was green but some wowie structures...and cool grafting.

Anyway. Another one gone.


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McDonald's is getting beat up by Wendy's commercial saying that they freeze their meats... maybe I've been to Wendy's once or twice. Last time I went to BK... It made me I'll feeling...

I'll give them a slab off a good sized 8' log I took home.

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About a year ago we did a locust removal down wind of a Burger King, flame broiled. Talk about an attack on the senses, me want burger!
Hi Sean. Definitely a market here.
I've known about other slavers here... on Instagram...
Lots of little kitche shops too...

My little Alaskan is 20" wide....

This ash at the top of the candelabra coulda been 5' by 5'.... Like a Lucas sized piece.... but the yard access was only 20" wide breezeway...

To answer your question, Yes.

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Nothing better than an occasional McDonalds.

When I?m passing I can get an Italian bread burger thingy and a coffee for about ?3.

It?s a real treat. The dog seems keen as well!

I've been thinking that being able to hang an Alaskan Mill from a ladder/ 2x6 box, on two saw horses or similar, and having a holder thing-y for small chunks to rest in on the ground, with some spacers to adjust height, would allow milling small chunks that would not work with the traditional alaskan approach, but could make things of the nature of the blocks in the link above. A person could freehand-rip cut to the capacity of the mill.

I'll have to post pics If I can work something out.

The edger will work with long bars. I'll have to experiment with this, too. I inherited one.

Never considered cutting from both sides with the 'edger'.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I recently did 3 Whoppers back to back with some fries. Not really something to brag about but I'm quite proud just the same.

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Flame broiled BK burgers are the healthiest, for sure.

I always wait for the BOGO coupons... they come out about twice a month.