Easy solo project, remove a hollow, dead fir with a high TIP in the big fir behind it, thanks APTA!
No rigging, Habitat snag. Mini-ed the chipper into a super tight spot under the fir, allowing the mini to put 2 cedars' 2 limb piles on the feed tray, and a third mini-fed to the chipper (long enough branches) with only a couple inches to spare on all sides.
Stripped, topped, 6-8' logs down to a spar.
End of day one 1.
After starting to unload, I told the wife I was going to walk next door for breakfast at the restaurant, and asked if I should move the truck.
She offered to make breakfast for me. I said please, and thank you about 5 times.
Was given a bottle of home made wine (hobby of homeowners).
Lowered spars gently near septic tanks in bigger pieces so as to move them with the mini.
Low stumps, better access to storage, better sunlight to deck and green house ������.
Was given a green tip, not cash, and told their is going to be a 'care package' ����.
More work next year. Easy enough work. Low stress. Over $100/hr average. Gallon of diesel, 2 gallons of gas, couple tanks of mix-gas and oil.
Flexible around school drop off schedule.
Wish every job was a cool, easy, and appreciated as this one.
Pics loaded oddly.