...Giving me hope in my moment of disparity...
It's not a race, brother. I, myself am in the weirdest spot right at the moment... I just solicited the bosses for a pretty fat pay-raise... they said "yes," but that it would have to come in two different increments, and with the advent of, "bringing along two 'A-level' (corporate speak) climbers." I said, "It doesn't really work that way." They said, "Ahhh, we know, Jed... Just do whatcha can."

Here's my dilemma: The boss is actually PAYING me to turn old-man, which I would gladly do in the space of a heartbeat, but that every time I try to get one of the younger gents to do anything worth speaking of, he, "wouldn't feel comfortable." (Sound familiar?) But Rich, I am telling you: never, ever sweat changing responsibilities... It's inevitable for us all, anyways, and it can be (for me) really fun to see the younger guys (oh there's still one or two out there... don't let the media--r.e. "Millenials"--fool ya) step up to stuff that they never thought that they would be able to do.
Corey: To call them Mr. McGoo would not do their short-sightedness justice... I'm beating a dead horse into the ground at this point, when I get into one of my Alterna-Mat rants with them. It is their opinion that plywood is cheaper, "even in the long-run, Jed." I will say no more about it, because I am such a very, very good Christian and respect my bosses so very, very much.

Ray: The tcm and the 540 both have heaps of power... it's my opinion that the tcm idyles better (more consistently) than the 540, but does it really matter much at this point: we're all trying to get back to the 200t which is a fool's errand anyways.
U.K. Rich: Thanks. Now if I may push my luck a bit... who ported it, and how much did the work cost, relative to the price of the saw, or... do you feel like it's worth it? etc. Thanks.
Awesome Saturday, today: just fell this Pinus Loadedicus (via the bore-cut), chipped up a Crab Apple, and then cut a split lead out of a Cottonwood... back at the shop by 10:15.

FINALLY! A beer I can drink with the kids!