The Official Work Pictures Thread


Sean, crazy tree, how in the hell do you gaff a tree with 6'' of moss? Glad to hear that you are getting some good help!
Doesn't look like there's a whole lot of flex in those hinges Stephen. I was wondering if you were having to peel bark on some of those really bad ones.
Sean, that's a big ugly for sure! Nasty looking job man, never seen moss like that.
Stephen those Goldens are looking bad, split, peeling bark with a lot of needles off....getting to the point of no climbing just felling them crispy's left-overs.

Thats crazy about getting 20% of there logs rejected, ouch, what a waiste of time and gas....our log loader guy inspects before putting on truck
That's transplantable moss. True story.

I peeled the moss to check crotches' structure and such before climbing and rigging. What looks like a 14" branch can really be 10", with thick moss.
Nice snipe, Sam. Did you do that to lessen forces on the stem? How high up did you climb, dead white pine does not encourage confidence.
Thanks Cory,

For sure I wanted it to go over as gently as possible, but I was thinking guidance. It needed to lay into and roll off of some limbs in an adjacent tree. Basically worked out that way once the top slowed down the rest was free and the heavier end took the lead down to the ground. Kept it in a pretty small hole.

I had my lanyard about 6 feet above the transition from live to dead. We could have set a remote TIP and I probably could have went a lot higher to piece it out more. . . but it was so dead. It was my call and I figured let it rip.


Looks like it was able to stop the beetles right about here. I kind of split the difference on the last cut.
Oh, nice. I didn't realize the bottom was alive, that's good to hear.
Stephen, I just cant believe what you guys are up against out there. I was just reading an article on the dying forests of Cali. . .

As if you weren't already, you guys are going to be the absolute national masters of dealing with dead pines. . . 8)
I guess that is one way of looking at it.
Lost my apprentice to the highest bidder that my last climber works for now. IMHO, he is not ready to play that close to power with dead trees. But he learns fast and has a family to feed.
Estimated over 100,000,000 dead trees now by a recent airial survey. Crazy.
That's. . . Amazing. Scary.

Top blew out of this one in the high winds this weekend. Faced it up, left lots of wood against the side lean, two big pops and it went right to it's favor, which was pretty close to the face at least. . . Knocked a couple lower branches off the White Pine that had already been brutalized by the top coming out. . . I should have set a guy line. :|:

Tried to lay it right up the spine of that blown out top in the second picture. Close, but not close enough.





Sam: You're quickly becoming my favorite arborist. I absolutely love that Gerry B face in that pine.

Stephen: You're quickly becoming the world's most lucky to be alive arborist. Dangit, sir! Pure DANGIT!!

Sean: Better you than me, sir... Dangit. Man alive... Land Sakes! and all that sort of thing. Dangit!

Now here we have Arbutus Mortis Maximus (Pig of a dead Madrona) hanging over not one, but 2 houses...


House #1...


aaaannnnd house #2...


Absolute pig. 40"dbh... saw one across the hill that's gotta be 5 feet through, if it's an inch. Brushed er all out today... Gotta get ALL the wood minus a ten foot stob out tomorrow and Wed. :O



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Wow Jed, crawling around up in the fingers of that. . . thing. What a beautiful day you guys had.

Was that one of the city looking east across the bay or west?

Get a good nights rest my friend!
Great stuff guys. Everyone is playing the undertaker role lately. DANGIT I did mercy killings for the gas company. Four sugar maples between 22"&36" dbh but only about 20' tall due to the power company over the last fifty years. No pics