We've been working at a large project down at the castle on Island Møn, where we logged 7 weeks last summer.
They have a LOT of dying ash trees between their fields.
As they die, they fall into the fields and become a complete nuisance.
So we suggested to the owner, that we take them all out at once.
They'll all be chipped and the amount of chips generated should pay for the whole thing, more or less.
We are talking 1000s of trees, here.
The Feller buncher goes first, taking out what it can handle, then the handfallers move in and finally everything is forwarded out.
We had really bad weather this week, rain the whole time. Working 10 hour days while soaked is not fun.
My truck got bogged down in a field, the Feller buncher was handy for getting it free.
By the time we finish, we'll have made somewhere near 3000 cubic meters of chips!!!