The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

Hi Andrew, welcome! I've been looking for someone in the Treehouse that can talk about potatoes. I have Ukranian blood.

Hello! This is a resident of Belorus necessary to talk about potatoes, and a resident of the Ukrainian people usually say about the fat ... Well, I'm from Russia, and with me you can talk about potatoes, and bacon, ...and vodka ...))
There's a lot of subtlety in potatoes, the different types. I harvested three varieties this year. Hash browns every morning.... I like 'shochu', a distilled alcoholic beverage similar to vodka. It can be made from different ingredients, including sweet potatoes. Cheap and low caloric content. The law says it can't be higher than 25% alcohol content.
There's a lot of subtlety in potatoes, the different types. I harvested three varieties this year. Hash browns every morning.... I like 'shochu', a distilled alcoholic beverage similar to vodka. It can be made from different ingredients, including sweet potatoes. Cheap and low caloric content. The law says it can't be higher than 25% alcohol content.

Each country has its own laws, but Professor Mendeleev in 1865 concluded that the ideal alcohol content of 40% (on the subject, he wrote his doctoral dissertation). )) But everyone has their own tastes, and no accounting for tastes. I personally drink alcohol very rarely and in small doses.
I wonder what the 40% ideal is based upon? That seems quite high. I'm not a big drinker either, unless it is right in front of me, then I can gobble it down. When it runs out, I don't even think about it unless somebody says, "You want some more?" Must be something in the blood, no big drinkers that I can ever recall in my family, I mean in terms of requiring it.

Some potatoes can be stored longer than others. If i space out the types with eating them in the best order, I can almost have a harvest last until the next one. Heres a good tip for people keeping potatoes... If you put a couple apples in with them, the eyes won't develop into sprouts, or very minimal growth. Something in the gas that the apples put out.
Very interesting information! I will follow your advice. I live in the city, but also have a house in the village, where grow some fruit and vegetables, including potatoes
Hi guys just wanted to introduce myself, My name is Tim and I work with Fred. Since Fred sucks at teaching me new things I have come here to learn I think I've learned more in the last hour that I have in the last 4 years that I've been working with Fred. :) Looking forward to talking to all of you!
Welcome to the TreeHouse, Tim! My name is Butch, I'm the sheriff round here.

Make yourself at home! :beer:
Welcome, Tim. Tell Nick to scooch over and make some room for you on the couch.

We sometimes have a habit of flogging dead horses around here, so you should fit right in.

Tim is a good fella, I have known him for more than 10 years. He thinks he is a part time comedian, so try not to take his sarcastic nature the wrong way. :)
Hi Tim, one post? Did they scare you off?:)

Hello! My name is Andrew! I am from Russia, St.Peterburg. And I have very bad English and ask you not use slang.

G'day mate, how you goin'?

Sorry I didn't get around to saying welcome earlier Andrew but I've been a bit busy lately. It seems you have been looking in for a while, so did I. 8)
Ah yes, the Green Continent a lot of people don't know that. I know quite a bit about Russia as well.8)

It costs a lot to be green, a lot of people would rather we stayed the Sunburnt Country.

It's a good poem, don't know how you'll go with full version. I'm Steve by the way.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror -
The wide brown land for me!
Hey guys thanks for welcoming me. Fred has us working like slaves over here! I more of a reader then a writer but I'm working on that.