The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

Thanks guys.

Let me tell you something about myself.
I've been an arb since 1983 have my own busyness since 1998. I'm still a hands on treeworker and hope to be so for another 25 years. I love tree gear gadgets as long as they add ease to the job. Three years ago I was of some assistance for the Makita /Dolmar company in developing their battery powered chainsaw and right now I am one of the field testers of the Husqvarna 536LIXP for the update versoin 2.0. This saw is already in the stores in The Netherlands and will be ready for US release in 2014.
I also work in a team of six arborists for several 'green' schools to teach student arbs the tricks of the trade in a full climbing course. I started visiting arb related fora in 2005 at Treebuzz and met a couple of fine people over there. In 2006 some friends started the Dutch arb forum Treehugs so my visiting days at the Buzz got less and less. That dropped even more when some friends where kicked out or voluntarily left.
So, here I am. Starting my 'career' at the House. :brows:
People that get kicked out or choose to leave other forums, can often find a happy home here.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore".
Name is Mike, just call me Red though. Mike is way too common of a name anywhere now days. Over the summer there were four of us on one job, talk about confusing (Crane op, HO, SavePro guy, and me). Anyway, I've lived in Central VA all my life. I love to hunt, fish, camp, tear stuff up in the mud, you get the idea. I've been a ground man for over a year now full time. Love to watch our climber climb when he gets out of the bucket. Been making some purchases of my own here and there. Working on trying to get up in the trees myself. Keeping it low and slow for now though. Love reading through the posts here picking up all kinds of useful information. Ya'll seem like a great group. Hope to be around here for a long time.
Hey Red, welcome to the TreeHouse! IIRC, the only Mike we have here has gone MIA, so you'd be the only one.

Make yourself at home! :beer:
Thanks for the welcome. Gear so far includes the following:
New saw (MS 441 C-Q Magnum) 20 and 25 inch bars purchased last spring.
Ergovation saddle
200' 7/16" HTP static climbing line
7/16" x 12' velocity flipline
SMC Grip flipline adjuster
1 Pirate auto-lock biner
2 RockO auto lock biners
180' Zing-it 1.75mm
10oz throw bag
14oz throw bag
folding throwline cube
Hitchclimber pully
Rope wrench
CMI foot ascender (right foot)
Ocean 3/8" pursik with sewn eyes
Tree Climbers companion

Not a huge list but you gotta start somewhere right? A word of warning, I'm horrible with names.
Good Morning TreeHousers! ...Not really "new" here, but I did go AWOL for a while! Pretty much samey-same in my world, just a couple years older ( < read: experienced lol ) and wanted to check out how things are going for y'all. Gotta run some errands but I'll check in this eve to see who's out-and-about. Have a good one : )
Hey Theresa! Welcome back. MB and I were wondering about you the other day. Your name came up on the birthday list, hope you had a good one!